Jumat, 30 April 2010
Sean Kingston & Justin Bieber - EENIE MEENIE [Music Video]
If Vevo does not allow your country to watch the video then
go watch the leaked version on TwitVid
while it is still up.
Selena Gomez y Taylor Swift son las solteras más deseadas de Hollywood

Taylor Swift quiere concentrarse en su carrera musical por el momento. Según ella, uno no puede ir saliendo con gente solo por salir. Así que la artista está tomando este tiempo para allanar los baches de su carrera como cantante.
Por su parte, Selena Gómez ha terminado con Nick Jonas. Ella cree que necesita tiempo para ella misma. Tanto Selena Gomez como Taylor Swift han estado en relaciones serias antes pero por el momento solo quieren concentrarse en sus carreras.
Selena Gomez tocará el piano en nueva balada de su disco Kiss & Tell

’Creo que lo que realmente quiero hacer con este disco es madurar musicalmente y llegar a ser músico. Creo que este es el primer paso para eso’, dijo Selena Gomez a Joe Bermúdez en una Entrevista. ‘Así que será muy techno, es muy parecido a Britney en sus antiguas canciones’.
Selena Gómez lanzó su primer disco de estudio en septiembre de 2009. Dos singles estrenado ‘Falling Down’ y ‘Naturally’.
Selena Gomez aún quiere a Demi Lovato

Si bien ya no son las mejores amigas que eran, Selena aún siente gran simpatía por su compañera de profesión.
Básicamente dijo que adora a Demi Lovato así como a toda su familia y dejó en claro que siempre será así, sin embargo señaló que está pasando por una nueva etapa de su vida en la que necesita saber a dónde va. Selena dice que quiere crear su propio camino, aunque no sé qué tenga que ver una cosa con la otra.
Lo que sí está claro es que cambiar de amistades, comenzar nuevas y terminar con otras es de lo más normal del mundo (y más en la adolescencia). Las personas crecen y con ello cambian los gustos y se pueden dejar de tener muchas cosas en común, a vece ya no resulta tan divertido pasar el tiempo junto a determinada persona. Sin embargo Selena Gomez lo tiene claro: ella es Team “Jemi”, haciendo referencia a la relación entre Demi Lovato y Joe Jonas.
Por otro lado, la cantante también ofreció una entrevista en la que habló acerca de su próximo álbum, el cual dijo será algo con un estilo cercano a Britney Spears y Lady Gaga, será algo así como Britney Gaga a la Selena.
"SOMEBODY TO LOVE" confirmed as next single
The cover for the single SOMEBODY TO LOVE has been released.
Guess I was right after all.
Fantastic because that's my favorite song on the album. It's so uplifting.
Justin Bieber in Paris again
Justin Beiber leaving his Parisian hotel to be greeted by his faithful French fans on Friday. From Laura: Today, I saw Justin at his hotel in Paris, he left his car and signed a few autographs. Fans were hysterical, everyone was shouting, pressed on, it was the madness. Justin was pushing the photographers to get through, he was pretty angry. Photos: PacificCoastNews.
You Shouldn't Compare When People's Got Bad Hair
they always compare a side-by-side picture of JB and the celebrity?
Remember TMZ?
Justin Bieber Arrives in France With His Missing Purple Hat
Justin Bieber has arrived in France on Thursday afternoon April 29, along with his favorite purple hat which was previously taken by his devotees when he performed in New Zealand. The 16-year-old sensational singer stayed at the Hotel Renaissance at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France.
Sporting a gray long sleeve top, dark trousers and also the newly-found hat, the "Baby" hitmaker checked out
Justin Bieber interview on Select Live C4 Music NZ
Click here to watch the long but cool interview. The next post will is a clip take from this video.
What Justin Bieber Looks Like FURIOUS!!
It's great that Justin has a lot of fan in New Zealand but you have to draw the line somewhere. You can see from the video how furious Justin was when in the middle of all that mayhem someone pulled his touque right off his head. He tried to get it back but he couldn't do anything with all the guards around him pushing him through. It's just not right! And his mom! Wish there was I video I
Kamis, 29 April 2010
Justin Bieber going to a public school?
Alright kiddies, get excited. HOLLYWIRE.COM can exclusively let you know about a red-hot JUSTIN BIEBER rumor. We’re hearing rumblings that uber-cute Bieber will be heading to PUBLIC high school next year! THOUSAND OAKS High School to be exact —
What FanCougars Have Been Wanting To Hear
The 16-year-old pop star says an age gap in a relationship wouldn’t be a problem for him as long as the woman wasn’t over 40.
“Anything above 40 is a little too old for me," the tween sensation said.
"I just look for a girl who is funny and has nice eyes and a smile."
Justin, who is currently on a promo tour of New
Someone hand me a gun
Someone tell me who the hell this girl with myBiebz is......
She SQUEEZED his bum!!
There ought to be a law banning Justin from kissing on the set.
Remember this??
Do you think it's him or do you think it's the girls?
OMG!! : (
Stupid Fan Girls. #2
The TTs when Eenie Meenie was released!

Rabu, 28 April 2010
@JBSource interviews Justin Bieber!
Justin was really sweet to Ash for being shy!! Awww... LOL!
Oke.. lets stop talking and start watching!!
The hype for Eenie Meenie video release today!!
Even Grandma Bieber Gets Fan Mail. No Address Required!!
As Bieber Fever hits pandemic proportions the teen sensation’s grandparents are trying to live quietly in Justin's hometown of Stratford, Ont.
For the most part they’ve been successful, but some of the frenzied love from tween girls heaped on their grandson has found its way to their door.
Much has been
Don't Hate JB Because He's Beautiful
If this list was based on inner beauty he'd be #1.
Justin Bieber #11
The secret to the singer’s “swoosh”? “I spend five minutes on it,” he says.”I use shampoo, conditioner – basically whatever is in the hotel – and blow-dry.” That three-step routine has tweens
Selena Gomez en video-diario de Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift también tiene un diario. O más bien, un video-diario. En un diario no pueden faltar los amigos. En el video también hay espacio para la mejor amiga de Selena Gomez, quien juega bolos con Taylor Swift y AllStar Weekend
Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift y Dakota Fanning se disputarán un nuevo filme

Se trataría de ‘The Seven Rays’ de Jessica Bendiger – una novela sobre una chica llamada Beth Michaels quien empieza a ver cosas inusuales como el pasado de la gente, sus miedos, deseos y secretos – será llevado al cine, pero la escritora se debate entre las ya mencionadas actrices.
En una entrevista reciente, Jessica Bendiger dijo: ‘Me imaginé inmediatamente a Taylor Swift, solo porque tiene ese look medio alien exótico y esa larga cabellera rubia. Al mismo tiempo pensé en Dakota Fanning, Saoirse Ronan y Selena Gomez‘.
La escritora también agregó: ‘Me encanta la idea de alguien que pueda cambiar los colores de su cabello y ojos para que funcione. Eso lo encuentro fascinante. Que la mejor actriz gane el papel’.
Selena Gomez dice que el elenco de Wizards of Waverly Place es su familia 2.0

En una reciente entrevista con la Misa movimiento de la radio, Selena Gomez de 17 años de edad, dijo: ‘Mi elenco es mi familia de 2,0. Los conozco a todos aproximadamente unos 4 años’.
‘Me paso todos los días con ellos y me fui a Puerto Rico con ellos para rodar nuestra película por lo que hemos conseguido sin duda ser muy cercanos’, remarcó Selena Gomez.
Por otro lado, Selena Gómez se estará en la próxima edición de la revista People como una de las celebridades más hermosas, en donde aparecerá sin maquillaje.
Bieber vs Glee
this is really happen ;
any glee fan here ? [yeah i am :)]
It will be great YAY!
The idea of having Justin Bieber guest star on Glee was brought up to the cast and it didn't sound like Matthew Morrison was on board! He said:
"I don't get this Bieber thing. I really don't get it. I hear he was in Australia and they kicked him out because he started a riot. I haven't even heard his music. I couldn't tell you one name of his songs — and I'm not lying about that!"
Get with it, Mr. Schuester!

but bad news for beliebers :((
arghh wth
its about Billaboard chart
My World 2.0 is failing two slots to #3
but :))
My World up two spots to #8
YAY !!
glee just hit #1
up && down and GLEE?
the power of Madonna?? how much the power its?
we got the power of BIEBERBLAST . which everlasting ^_^
Beautiful Bieber :)
i have a real good news about Bieber
Teen heartthrob Justin Bieber has managed to find his way onto People's Most Beautiful List for 2010, alongside such longtime fan-favorite superstars as Julia Roberts and Daniel Craig.
What makes Bieber so beautiful? Well, maybe it has something to do with his "swoosh" hairstyle. "I spend five minutes on it," he explained. "I use shampoo, conditioner — basically whatever is in the hotel — and blow-dry. It's part of my image. It's not who I am."
read more here
i love his hair. [hairflip is really smexy]
sometime i'm really jealous because i don't have hair just like him
but that not make me can't be belieber rite .
awww~even i have hair like him , i can't beat his smile :) forsure
SO REMEMBER! This is Bieber's World. You're Just Living In It !
p/s: if he just come to your country , please don't steal his hat :)
Glee Stars Have A Problem With Justin Bieber
Well, maybe not.
Matthew Morrison, who plays Mr. Schuester, isn't so keen on our idea of bringing Bieber Fever to McKinley High…
"I don't get this Bieber thing," Morrison told us last night at the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences' Glee panel, which was fabulously
Justin Bieber In NZ
New Zealand arrival video under! Emah Hira Matiu, 17, drove from Hamilton to the airport to steal Justin Bieber's hat and she won't give it back unless she get a hug. The thief said she grabbed it off his head when he arrived at Auckland Airport last night and then ran out of the airport with her friend Beki..
..Diamond, 16, before anyone could stop her. 'We just ran and ran and ran.. before I died of exhaustion. Technically we should be at school. We tweeted at Justin, everything, just to let Justin know. If he doesn't reply I'm gonna keep it for ever and ever and ever and ever. We pretty much stalked him.' Police said Matiu could face a theft charge if Bieber laid a complaint.
Fan Craze
Kiwi Beliebers need to calm yo'self down
The Canadian pop star arrived in Auckland yesterday for a concert and promotional duties. The 16-year-old was met by hundreds of screaming girls, who mobbed him and his entourage the moment they cleared customs.
In the ensuring chaos, Justin’s
Selasa, 27 April 2010
Want another follower on Twitter?
If you like the Justin Bieber Shrine and want up-to-date news on JB
then follow @JBShrine and give the site a shout out like:
Visit http://justinbiebershrine.blogspot.com
and RT if you like the site.
and @JBShrine will follow you back. I promise ;)
Stupid Fan Girls.
Justin Bieber arrived late last night in New Zealand, and is surrounded by 1000+ fans. he tries to take pictures and sign autographs for fans but they are too un-undercontrol so the sercuity stop him. while he was trying to walk through the airport YOU GIRLS TRIP HIS MOM, CAUSING HER TO FALL ON HER FACE. And while they helped her up YOU JACKED HIS HAT!
And now your smiling about it?! what is your problem?
you know justin loves his purple hats, he even said on his twitter he was sad “someone” stole his hat.
Hit-Girl have Bieber Fever??
*Giggles* "I have Bieber Fever" *LOL and blushed*
Hahaha!! she soooo adorable.. its cute the way she said it. And she's definately a Belieber coz she does spam Justin to follow her!! She's funny in person. Gotta love this girl~
Here's the interview!
Haha!! Cute right? She looked younger and smaller in the movies. I was surprised to see how tall she is~ Haha!! Well if you're curious about the tweets she send out to Justin.. U dont have to search.. I got it here for u!

This is the SPAM that she was talking about on the interview! LOL!

Wearing Supra coz of Justin?? Maybe~ When u have Bieber Fever.. Why not..
Do you guys think that Justin knows about Chloe?? Well.. I think he knows.. Why?? Well coz Dan Kanter(Justin Guitarist) tweeted to Chloe about watching her on Ellen. Its wayyyyy too impossible that Dan won't be telling it to Justin right?? So Chloe.. If u happen to read this.. I think u have a chance on getting followed/reply/DM from him! Even better.. Meeting him one day!
Here is Dan's tweet to Chloe!!

Leave a comment and tell us what u think!
Follow me!
New Zealand :)

Following the cancellation of the pop phenom's only public show in Australia, the star was greeted by hundreds of screaming fans when he arrived in New Zealand.
According to The New Zealand Herald, about 500 fans met the teen heartthrob's arrival with "excited screams and shrieks" Tuesday night (April 27) local time at Auckland International Airport.
Many fans had waited for four hours until he touched down.
On the heels of Bieber's canceled show in Sydney, airport officials beefed up security to ensure safety.
The Herald also reported that security has been increased at the singer's hotel and performance venue, South Auckland's Academic Colleges Group Strathallen school.
Bieber is scheduled to be in New Zealand for only one day.
Despite the hysteria, the star seems to be enjoying his time Down Under.

before steal

it's look hard
hat stolen.knock down :((
but go bieber :))
your fans really crazy for you
Eenie Meenie Miny Mo
Justin Beiber ft The Game ??
But the New York MC has finally had something nice to say about someone with his recent comments on Usher’s protégé, Justin Bieber.
The Game said in a recent interview: “I like the kid. I seen him perform. He’s a livewire. He gets it done. He’s another artist that breaks the colour lines. I love when people come along and they do that. Everybody loves this kid and he seems like a good kid. More power to him.”
Justin Beiber ft The Game, we can see it already!
who is The Game --> check him out <---
another story :)
Nick Jonas dished to J-14 that he and his brothers have a nickname for Justin Bieber.
According to the Jonas Brothers, there’s only room for one JB on the block. Nick said: ‘Bustin Jieber, that’s what we call him!’.
Nickname because they are jealous? ‘Justin’s a good person.
I’ve met him a couple times. He’s a really nice person!’

many celeb got the bieber fever .
justin bieber really a virus
amazing virus
Rapper Game on Justin Bieber
Game is funny. The part about the cell phone is hilarious.
This video makes me wonder. How much is Justin making for Usher?hmmmmm.....
Is the hectic schedule starting to take a toll on Justin?
Is it just me or is this interview a lot different from most? Justin doesn't seem to be into it at all. It appears to me that he is not totally there. I wonder if the hectic schedule of flying around the world in such a short time to promote his new album is starting to take a toll on him. I really don't like what I see here.
So is he this way because he's tired or is it because he's tired of
Justin Bieber Meets Take 40 Winner Lauren Bassil
Lauren said she was so nervous that she barely slept the night before!
"I didn't sleep the night before, I was soo nervous when I saw him, I was shaking and he was so nice and was trying to calm me down," she said.
Lauren said Justin told her he'd most likely be back in
Senin, 26 April 2010
Mayhem at Circular Quay Sydney
raaaach96 — April 25, 2010 — This is what happened when me and my mates went to Circular Quay today. It looks like not many people because its dark, but trust me there's HEAPS. Once i was in that mosh pit, i was already hyperventalating !
Fotos del nuevo episodio de Hechiceros de Waverly Place
Video: Jennifer Stone celosa de Selena Gomez

El episodio se titula Third Wheel y se estrena el 30 de abril en disney channel USA; en Latinoamérica ya fue emitido. Harper se siente así cuando descubre que Stevie (interpretada por Hayley Kiyoko), la nueva amiga de Alex, es en realidad una bruja. Justin (David Henrie), se convierte en Alex para convencer a Harper a ayudarle a terminar un proyecto escolar. Por lo tanto, crea más problemas entre las dos niñas.
Hoy te presentamos una vista previa del escenario de la pelea entre Selena Gomez y Jennifer Stone. Selena comienza así: "¿Estás diciendo que no puedo salir con otras amigas?". Jennifer responde casi llorando: "Haz lo que quieras como siempre lo haces y yo te perdonaré, como siempre". Selena dice: "¿Crees que así funciona nuestra amistad?". Jennifer: "Yo diría que sí". Selena: "Bueno, entonces yo soy la molesta contigo". Jennifer: "No te preocupes. Yo no estoy en tu contra. Nunca lo hago". Selena: "Para, no te estás comportando ahora como una buena amiga". Jennifer: "Discúlpame?!?".
Selena Gomez y Pierre Boulanger son pareja

Monte Carlo será la primera película en inglés de Pierre Boulanger, quien es una de las personas apropiadas para el papel. Él es muy conocido en Francia y ahora será conocido en los EE.UU.
La película sigue a tres mejores amigas de Texas que viajan a Mónaco para hacerse pasar por mujeres adineradas. Selena Gomez es una chica recién egresada de la secundaria, mientras que las últimas Leighton Meester y Katie Cassidy están en la universidad.
New Zealand already has a fever
But given the young singer's huge popularity - particularly among teenage girls - and yesterday's incident, Auckland Airport has increased its security.
And his record label, Universal Music New Zealand, is keeping his arrival time secret.
An airport
Is it legal to have sex with Justin Bieber?
Anyways. One of the laws each state are allowed to set
Justin Bieber to perform at BBC Radio1's Big Weekend
X Factor judge Cheryl Cole and teen pop sensation Justin Bieber are among the artists confirmed to appear at Radio 1's Big Weekend next month.
Also appearing at the two-day event at Faenol Park in Bangor, Wales, will be Brit winners Florence and the Machine and Dizzee Rascal, Umbrella singer Rihanna and chart-topping boyband JLS.
Fans can apply for tickets for the May 22nd and 23rd event from 09
Justin Bieber is more talented ??

Usher admit it.
Usher has predicted that his protégé Justin Bieber's career will be more successful than his own because the 16-year old is a 'more talented musician' than he was as a teenager.
Usher claimed: "You haven't seen the best of him. He is a pop craze like The Beatles. They started out as pure pop artists and look what they became over the years."
"Justin reminds me of myself at that age, only he's a much more talented musician than I was. He taught himself piano and guitar. I couldn't, so he has that advantage.
The R n B star added: "This isn't about his age and we're never going to appease a crowd. His audience will grow with him. I started out when I was a teenager. Now, 45 million albums later…"
Read more HERE

Justin Bieber really the next MJ.
Usher: Justin Bieber is more talented than I was
The OMG singer, who has been Bieber's mentor since meeting him back in 2008 insisted that he is not surprised at Justin's success and is convinced the One Time hit maker will grow in popularity.
Usher claimed: "You
Aussie Scare Makes Kiwi Prepare

Recently in a conversation with his cousin, Jared Marion showed a family tattoo and revealed that Justin Bieber also had this tattoo done around his stomach.
The family tattoo comes for the book "Jonathon Livingstone Seagull" by author Richard Bach.
The work expresses timeless idea about human behaviour and there is a passage that says "You have the freedom to be who u are, be yourself, here and now, and nothing can get in your way"

The whole family have them~


Minggu, 25 April 2010
Proof that Justin Bieber's tattoo is truly a family tradition
For those of you who still do not believe that Justin's tattoo is real well here is undeniable proof that it truly is The Bieber Family Tattoo.
Read the original post that broke the news to the world about Justin Bieber's tattoo and the meaning behind it:
Really Bad News :((

As of 4.30am, Monday 26 April, the police shut the gates to the area and said that due to safety concerns no more fans would be permitted into the area.
Around 5.20am, with the forecourt area at full capacity and fans still arriving, the police ordered Sunrise to cancel
the performance.
Justin Bieber's Australia Performance Cancelled
Justin Bieber fans in Australia are just as crazy as the ones here in the U.S.
A performance scheduled for Monday morning (time zones, people!) on Sydney Harbor had to be cancelled over concerns for the safety of the fans. Fans had been camped out since Sunday night to see his only scheduled performance in Australia.
I'm beyond grateful...that was incredible. Thank u for such an amazing
Justin Bieber is Sydney Zoo Silly
Justin Bieber gets a little excited to see the animals at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia on Sunday afternoon (April 25).
The 16-year-old musician took a private tour of the zoo with his entourage, stopping off at the giraffes, monkeys and elephant exhibits.
Justin tweeted a pic of him and an crocodile having the ultimate staredown.
Remember, Justin will be performing TODAY Westpoint
Its Zoo Time !!
Justin Bieber gets a little excited to see the animals at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia on Sunday afternoon (April 25).
The 16-year-old musician took a private tour of the zoo with his entourage, stopping off at the giraffes, monkeys and elephant exhibits.
Justin tweeted a pic of him and an crocodile having the ultimate staredown.

looks like Justin Bieber get a real holiday :))
p/s:I wonder i can spend my holiday time with him :)