Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Free Download wallpapers of Justin Bieber

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Free wallpapers of Justin Bieber

Free download wallpapers of Justin BieberJustin Bieber with UsherJustin Bieber in the red carpetJustin Bieber with Friend

Haters, you are bullshit !!

Teen singing sensation Justin Bieber was in Kansas City Wednesday night for a concert, which only means one thing -- the controversial Westboro Baptist Church decided to show up and stage a protest. What problem could this group possibly have with Bieber? Here's what they claim in a statement:

"Justin Bieber has a platform given to him by God to speak to this world... but he refuses to do that because he knows his concert halls would be empty!"

Really, though, it appears that this church is just more interested in having a platform to fire off their message of hate. They recently protested concerts both for Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga, which led to both singers reminding their fans of what really matters -- love.

A local Kansas City TV affiliate captured the scene outside the concert, which had some parents thankfully firing back at the church for protesting the concert of a 16-year old kid with a positive message.

awww cmon

Justin Bieber's upcoming appearance on the season premiere of "CSI" has been the talk of plenty of discussion, but not always for necessarily the right reasons. At first, there were some people wondering about the "prison photo" when he first posted it on his Twitter -- only to then discover it was from his part as a "troubled teen" on the hit CBS drama.

Now, we have a situation involving a photo that isn't even from the show at all. Obviously in an attempt to shock people, someone reportedly photoshopped a picture of Justin smoking a pipe. Of course, this isn't true. Even if Bieber was simulating drug use on "CSI", he would put up some sort of caption proclaiming that the act of smoking is not real. (Even then, taking a role that involved drug use would be sending a bizarre message to his fans anyway.)

Therefore, categorize this photo in the "don't believe everything you see" category -- right next to all of the other Justin Bieber rumors out there surrounding if he is alive or not.

Haters, why u hate him so much
maybe u are too jealous with him

Caprice ft Ruby Jude - Baby [Cover]

Its a Malaysian cover. This girl, Ruby is singing in Malay. Nice rapping too. ;)

Bieber hasnt won TCA??

You guys might have seen this video of Shaq giving Justin Bieber the award for TCAs right?
And we're all happy celebrating~

Well.. I stumble upon this tweet from @TeenChoiceGirl and it shocked me in a way~



Justin Bieber skateboarding at Memphis!!


Justin Bieber visits Rob Dyrdeks's Fantasy Factory

And i found this video.. Its when he skated at Street League Facility.. This is from a different view~

Sweet Tooth Bieber

Justin Bieber's favourite treats have been revealed after his tour rider has been exposed, with sweets and French fries topping the request list.

The 16-year-old 'Baby' singer is apparently a huge fan of Sour Patch Kids and Gummy Worms and has a good snack on them before he hits the stage.

Between Bieber and his 'My World' tour crew, which includes musicians, dancers and stage team, they munch their way through around 10,000 French fries and 75 Starbucks drinks each day.

The tour needs a huge amount of kit. The rider includes 30 miles of electrical cable, 20 guitars, 14 drum sticks, 20 rolls of electrical tape and 10 disco balls. With all the instruments and equipment, the tour needs 11 buses and apparently over 500 cases are used to keep all of the sweets.

JB vs JB

The Jonas Brothers had a pretty good ride. But even they probably realize that they’re already on the decline. Justin Bieber pretty much waltzed into town and became the new—and solo—face of tween pop music.

The Jo-Bros still have fans…just a lot less than they used to! In fact, according to a new report, they’ve been forced to cancel sixteen shows in their summer tour!

This seems to be a common trend in music right now, with American Idol execs canceling eight of their dates for the Idols Live tour, and huge stars like Rihanna and Christina Aguilera doing the same.

This is a huge difference from just last year, when the Jonas Brothers were selling out huge arenas to screaming tweens. But everyone gets replaced by someone younger and fresher, and in their case, it’s the Bieb.

Justin Bieber seems to be gaining momentum with each passing day, and he’s on his “My World” tour pretty much through the end of the year. He’s playing over 60 venues through December, and by the looks of it, none have been canceled.

Bieber’s rise to fame reminds us a lot of the Jonas Brothers, who once enjoyed their throne as the princes of pop. So it just makes us wonder….will Justin Bieber be the next one replaced?


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Click "Play Video"

Is President Obama Immune to Bieber Fever?

In the past year, people of all ages have fallen for the sweet sounds of Justin Bieber, but it looks like President Obama may be immune to the powers of Bieber Fever.

In a history-making appearance on The View on Thursday, the President talked about the music on his iPod, and while Jay-Z made the cut, the Bieb did not. "I do not have Justin Bieber," he said. "I have met Justin Bieber; he came to sing at the White House. He's a very nice young man."

At Christmas in Washington event in December, Justin was super excited to meet our Commander-in-Chief, tweeting: "Oh yeah...and I did meet President Obama!! Got to sing for him too. I was nervous for sure." But the Canadian singer got over his nerves, owning the stage at the White House's annual Easter Egg Roll and performing in front of the first family once again.

President Obama may not be singing along to Justin, but we bet Sasha and Malia have a few playlists with JB's jams on them. What do you think? Are you surprised that the President doesn't have 'My World' or 'My World 2.0' on his iPod?


Justin tweeted: "Hey President Obama check out U SMILE and RUNAWAY LOVE - bet those could go in your ipod :)" on Jul 30th


Selena Gomez cambia fechas de conciertos por su enfermedad en la garganta

Ahora que Selena Gomez es una vĆ­ctima de sus cuerdas vocales. Ella tiene descanso mĆ©dico y no podrĆ” cantar en sus prĆ³ximos conciertos.

DespuƩs de cancelar el miƩrcoles 28 de julio un concierto en Delaware, Selena Gomez se vio obligada a reprogramar el espectƔculo y ahora van a aparecer en la ciudad el 06 de noviembre.

‘Esto apesta ... Mi garganta estĆ” enferma. Yo no, mi garganta sĆ­. Ugh. Ella luego aƱadiĆ³: ‘Utilizo mi computadora portĆ”til para escribir ya que no puedo hablar ... Eso fue interesante’, escribiĆ³ Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez y Joey King jugaron bromas durante la grabaciĆ³n de Ramona y Beezus

Para algunos actores, filmar una escena es parte de un trabajo serio que debe ser realizado a la perfecciĆ³n. Otras estrellas de cine, sin embargo, no se hacen problemas con jugar algunas travesuras mientras estĆ”n en el set de grabaciĆ³n de una pelĆ­cula.

Recientemente, Selena Gomez y su coestelar de 'Ramona y Beezus' revelaron que solĆ­an divertirse en las grabaciones haciendo travesuras y jugando algunas bromas haciendo honor al tĆ­tulo del largometraje que hace unos dĆ­as fue estrenado.

Selena Gomez y Joey King explicaron que incluso su padre en el 'Ramona y Beezus', John Corbett, habrĆ­a sido su cĆ³mplice: 'Definitivamente fue todo un bromista. Ɖl fue tan gracioso', comentĆ³.

'En una escena Ć©l se levantĆ³ su polo frente a Bridget Moynahan antes de grabar una escenaria seria y fue muy divertido. Bridget se lo tomĆ³ muy bien', relataron Selena Gomez y Joey King.

Taylor Swift llorĆ³ cuatro veces con la pelĆ­cula de Selena Gomez, Ramona y Beezus

Taylor Swift mediante su cuenta de Twitter cometĆ³ que fue a ver una de las pelĆ­culas mĆ”s lindas que se encuentra en cartelera. La cantante country se refiriĆ³ a la cinat de sy amiga Selena Gomez, Ramona y Beezus.

‘Acabo de ver la pelĆ­cula mĆ”s linda anoche. LlorĆ© como cuatro veces’, escribiĆ³ Taylor Swift.

Como se sabe, Taylor Swift siempre ha apoyado a Selena Gomez en sus pelĆ­culas y en sus canciones. Por otro lado, la cantante country remarcĆ³ que el teatro en donde vio la cinta de su amiga tenĆ­a el nĆŗmero 13, sus dĆ­gitos de la suerte.

Via: famosos-net

Sexy Justin Bieber shows off 6-pack abs!

OMG Yes! Finally!

Something's telling me that we're going to be seeing a lot more
six pack shirtless pictures/videos of JB in the near future.
Let's hope this is an extremely hot summer.

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Justin Bieber's Trip To The Factory

Justin Bieber stopped by the Factory the other day to say whats up and enjoy the things the Factory has to offer before he went on his U.S. Tour. Hes actually a really cool, mellow kid. And if you had never seen the insane fans or nonstop trending topics you would think he was just a regular 16 year old kid having fun. As you’ll see in the shitty little video I edited I didn’t think to film


And Justin Bieber tweeted: "Holy crap we are #withdankanter"

LOL!! It was funny to read the timeline for #withdankanter..
So now.. Let's all break some guitars at the Omaha Mall #withdankanter!


Watch 0:36!! It can make u die and get revived again!!
Be ready~

Free images of Justin Bieber

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Caroline Costa - BABY [Cover]

Tres Bien. She's French. She just turned 14. And she's incredible.
This girl's got soul. They need to send her on a plane to America
because this is the next Celine Dion / Mariah Carey.

She's 13 here. He's Abraham Mateo. He's only 11!!

I got goosebumps watching them.

Justin Bieber with a different hairstyle

Wow, I never realized how much that hairstyle defines him.

La pequeƱa amiga de selena Gomez, Joey King cumple aƱos

La pequeƱa Joey King, ha subido un nuevo vƭdeo en Youtube de su cumpleaƱos el aƱo pasado
, cuando cumplƭa 10 aƱos, en el que tambiƩn aparece Selena, junto a la familia de Joey, acudiendo a un centro para ponerse unos pendientes por su dƩcimo cumpleaƱos.

Foto de Wilmer Valderrama visita a Los Hechiceros de Waverly Place

Wilmer Valderrama fue la estrella invitada en la serie “Los Hechiceros de Waverly Place”

Selena GĆ³mez: ''Amo a Justin Bieber, es como mi hermano menor''

La cantante y actriz Selena GĆ³mez reconociĆ³ su fascinaciĆ³n por Justin Bieber. En una entrevista realizada por George LĆ³pez hablĆ³ de lo que siente por el joven canadiense y afirmĆ³ que lo considera como un hermano menor.

‘Lo amo. Es como mi hermano pequeƱo. Me gusta decir su nombre en el escenario, porque si yo estoy dando una mal performance, digo su nombre y el pĆŗblico se vuelve a alegrar’, contĆ³ Selena GĆ³mez.

Justin Bieber interview on KYDZ Radio Las Vegas

Selena Gomez consigue el Disco de Oro con ‘Kiss&Tell’

La ‘chica Disney’ estĆ” pasando por uno de sus mejores momentos en su carrera profesional. Sus trabajos como actriz van viento en popa, y prueba de ello es la buena aceptaciĆ³n que ha tenido entre sus fans su Ćŗltima pelĆ­cula ‘Ramona & Beezus’.

En cuanto a sus proyectos musicales, Selena ha recibido una de las mejores noticias del aƱo. Y es que la AsociaciĆ³n de la Industria DiscogrĆ”fica de Estados Unidos le ha otorgado el Disco de Oro a su primer Ć”lbum, ‘Kiss&Tell’, del que ya ha vendido mĆ”s de 500.000 copias. AdemĆ”s, su primer sencillo, Naturally, ha conseguido el Disco de Platino al superar el millĆ³n de descargas.

Justin Bieber - ONE TIME [Afrique Deluxe Remix]

Justin Bieber's Special Moments

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

JB on the cover of TodaTeen

This pic looks kinda weird right? I think this is a Brazilian magazine.(image via OceanUp)

@JustinBieber will become the most followed on Twitter by end of 2010

Yesterday afternoon Justin's twitter account hit a milestone reaching the 4,000,000 followers mark and bumping him up to the 6th most followed account on Twitter. Yay!

Though Britney Spears, who is currently the most followed on Twitter, has 5,419,741 followers, her average number of new followers per day is only about 6,214. That is not even comparable to the number of new followers that Justin

Free wallpapers of justin bieber 2010

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Justin Bieber Las Vegas interview!

This interview was July 24th, 2010 in his dressing room at Planet Hollywood before the show in Las Vegas! Find out if Justin Bieber would EVER consider dating a fan! Also, is there a Chrismas album in the works? Ladies are saying JB's been working out! What do you think?




Bieber Fever hits Kansas City

Fall for Justin

Really??? Gosh.. Seriously... No disrespect but keep it to yourself and get a life~

Pop fans, take a moment and steel yourselves. That 16 year-old pop sensation Justin Bieber is coming at you in an entirely new way.

Pop fans, take a moment and steel yourselves. That 16 year-old pop sensation Justin Bieber is coming at you in an entirely new way.

The plans are still in the works, but a major Hollywood studio (not Disney) has put in motion a Bieber 3D concert film. Should all details come together, sources say the project will race into production for a November 2010 release date.

By the way, a shout out to BiebzLonelyGirl, who posted an on-line petition on Twitition for a Bieber 3D film. Emily, girl, your wish (and those of the 5,045 people who signed the petition) is about to be granted.


Stars catch Bieber Fever on MMVA!

Bieber Fever is in full affect at the 2010 MuchMusic Video Awards. Kristin Cavallari, Jessica Szohr and Emily Osment chat with Access about meeting the “adorable” teen heartthrob. Also, Emily gives her two cents on Miley Cyrus’ job as the event’s co-host.


Usher on Justin Bieber: 'He's i care a great deal about'

On the set of his new music video, “There Goes My Baby,” Usher sits down with Access to discuss the great success that Justin Bieber has found — but when did he know that Justin would be a huge hit? Also, what knowledge and advice has Usher imparted on Justin? Plus, did Usher really buy Justin a Ranger Rover for his birthday?


Justin's interview with VIBE!

Justin Bieber On Photo Shoots, Puberty, 2Pac & Drake.

I really don’t like photo shoots. I really have a short attention span so standing in one place for hours is not me. I have high energy and like to bounce around. Looking into a camera…

What’s the most ridiculous thing a groupie has done to get your attention?

My mom has me on a tight leash and [she's] being real protective. The girls show up wearing nothing. I can’t lie, I’m 16, I don’t hate it. I don’t have a girlfriend.

We’ve got to talk about the hair. Why are people so obsessed with it? There are Websites dedicated to it?

I think the obsession with my hair is funny. People copy my hair. At meet and greets, people touch my hair. I don’t have any product in it.

When you’re the breadwinner in the family do you have an allowance? Do you have a curfew?

My mom is still my mom. She could care less if I’m an international superstar. I still have to clean my room on the tour bus. She takes my computer at 12 [a.m.] so I can sleep. I don’t have a bedtime [but] she doesn’t want me on the computer because she doesn’t want it to rot my brain. When she takes away my computer, I still play with my iPad. She doesn’t know. My mom is my biggest fan. She’s been a fan since I was a baby. My father in Canada, taking care of my brother and sister. He’s amazing; he’s really proud of me.

Puberty has hurt many a young star’s career. Do you worry about your voice changing? Do you think it will hurt your career?

Everyone’s voice changes. Puberty is a natural thing. I have the best vocal coach in the world and we’re working on my voice and doing what I need to do. It’s not like as soon as you hit puberty you stop singing. Usher is the best mentor in the world and he survived puberty. He tells me what to do, what not to do.

What’s in your iPod?

My iPod is really scattered. Boys II Men, Snoop, Prince, Eminem, Michael Jackson, AC/DC, Gucci Mane, all of Young Money... Lil Wayne is my favorite, Biggie, Pac—my dad introduced me to 2Pac when I was nine and I could rap all of Thug Nation by the time I was 10. Front to back, I could still do it.

Prove it.

[Starts rapping “Dear Mama”].

Your street cred is in tact?

A little bit…

What’s next for you? You were so cute on Saturday Night Live. Is acting something you’d like to tackle?

For sure. I have fun with acting and I’d like to do more. Comedy is really fun. I can be serious. Whatever roles are good for me I think I will take. I’d like to work with Martin Lawrence. He’s one of my favorite actors.

What about a collaboration with Drake?

He’s great. He’s a really good artist. He’s like my big brother. He definitely tells me to have fun with what I’m doing and stay humble. It’s really important. I’m touring right now and writing a little bit on the bus. Seeing new cities and different crowd reactions. I think that really [my success] is because I’m genuine. I’m myself. I don’t hold back. I’m just being me and doing what I love and having fun. People like that. People can see character and whether you’re doing it for the money or definitely love doing it for real.


Justin Bieber fan gets birthday present!

July 2, 2010 -- What if you were sitting at the table opening your birthday presents just wishing for Justin Bieber tickets, but got a magazine highlighting the entertainer instead. Would you be disappointed? Well in a new video posted last night, that is exactly what happened to a serious Bieber fan and she tried hard not to act disappointed.

The fan got a magazine with Justin Bieber on the cover for her birthday. Yes, anybody could buy this magazine, but would we all find an envelope tucked inside of their copy? The birthday girl opened the envelope in the magazine to find the Justin Bieber 'My World' concert tickets tucked inside. Shocked? That would be the understatement for the expression on the fans face. Yes, she was going to the concert last night as one BIG birthday present.

According to the video, it says: 'McKinsey and Madison finding out that they are going to a Justin Bieber concert.' Both ladies look extremely excited about getting the chance to see 'My World' on tour. Perhaps stunned is a better word. The Bieber mania hit the girls like a match on fire. It was on!


Hanson To Justin Bieber: Just Say Yes To Drugs

In our inaugural Save Justin Bieber Wednesdays piece featuring the Backstreet Boys, TheFABlife reader Krissie commented that Justin’s doing fine and doesn’t need saving. Well, Krissie, we only half agree with you . Yes, Justin’s handling fame well. But, Krissie, it’s all about the odds! How many have reached superstardom at an early age only to crash and burn later? So think of our campaign as a preemptive strike against a future that could hold a cycle of drugs and rehab and general craziness.

Speaking of drugs and craziness, Hanson has some hilarious advice for Justin Bieber this week. Hint: It has to do with methamphetamines.


Justin Bieber to receive world leadership award

Justin Bieber is not only an international superstar, the 16 year old singer is now being recognized as a world leader! Usher's New Look Foundation announced today (Thursday) that Bieber will receive a youth leadership award at next month's World Leadership Awards, where he'll also perform.

Bieber will receive the Global Youth Leadership Award at the first ever World Leadership Awards on August 6 in Atlanta. Usher's foundation will recognize and honor individuals and organizations who live out New Look's mission to mentor youth as global leaders. Of this year's recipients, Usher said, "They share New Look's understanding that youth are not merely leaders in waiting; they are ready to achieve greatness today."

Jillie from KYDZ Radio gets kissed by Justin Bieber!

Awwww... This is too cute!! Justin made her blush too much!! LOL!!
And he's link munching the kid's cheek!! LOL!! Beliebers would kill to be in her place!

Justin Bieber May Guest Star On Wizards of Waverly Place

JSCKiDS has just reported that JB might guest star on Selena Gomez's Wizard of Waverly Place but I don't think it's going to happen.

They posted this video which I know is an old video from January 2010 and since then there has been no news further of this happening.

God Does Not Hate Justin Bieber

In the eyes of teenage girls around the globe, Justin Bieber is a heartthrob who can do nothing wrong.

But in the eyes of a specific sect of mentally unbalanced church goers, this 16-year old is a shaggy-haired example of all that's wrong with the world.

At last night's concert in Kansas City, members of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church protested Justin "to remind all of those in attendance

Fotos de Selena Gomez junto a su familia de compras

Tenemos candids de Selena junto a su familia de compras en Westfield Mall, del dĆ­a 27 de Julio, durante esa salida Selena estaba enferma por lo que se comunicaba mediante su notebook.

Justin Bieber pide a Selena GĆ³mez no usar tacones junto a Ć©l

Selena Gomez revelĆ³ que Justin Bieber en una ocasiĆ³n le pidiĆ³ que no use tacones altos junto a Ć©l en una premiaciĆ³n.

Justin Bieber no querĆ­a lucir tan bajo al costado de la guapa Selena GĆ³mez, quiĆ©n confesĆ³ que no accediĆ³ a su pedido.

Selena Gomez le dijo a Justin Bieber que no se cambiarĆ­a sus tacones, 'Eres bajo, asĆŗmelo, ademĆ”s ya estĆ”s creciendo', le dijo en su propia cara.


Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Justin Bieber's Hilarious Moments

Crazies will picket JB's Kansas City concert

These people are insane!

The horrible Westboro church will be picketing the Justin Bieber concert tonight in Kansas City "to remind all of those in attendance that America's destruction is imminent."

Their website reads:

"There are no jobs, homes, money or hope, but you'll pay big bucks to attend rock concerts by the thousands. [Bieber] has a platform given to him by God to speak to this world

Justin Bieber 3D concert film

Pop fans, take a moment and steel yourselves. That 16 year-old pop sensation Justin Bieber is coming at you in an entirely new way.

The plans are still in the works, but a major Hollywood studio (not Disney) has put in motion a Bieber 3D concert film. Should all details come together, sources say the project will race into production for a November 2010 release date.

By the way, a shout out

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Pokemon: Justin Bieber Battles Puberty!

Can Justin beat puberty?

Video: Selena Gomez pierde la voz en el programa de George Lopez

Selena GĆ³mez, quien acaba de cumplir 18 aƱos el jueves, 22 de julio hizo una apariciĆ³n en ‘Lopez Tonight’ la noche del lunes, 26 de julio en Los Ɓngeles. Lamentablemente, Selena, que tiene su nueva pelĆ­cula ‘Ramona y Beezus’, apareciĆ³ en el show sin voz.

Vistiendo un vestido negro de cĆ³ctel, Selena Gomez se dirigiĆ³ a una mĆ”quina Dynavox para poder hablar con el comediante George LĆ³pez. AdemĆ”s, Dynavox ha donado su mĆ”quina en el nombre de Selena al Hospital de NiƱos de Los Ɓngeles.

George Lopez previamente le informĆ³ a la audiencia que Selena Gomez habĆ­a perdido su voz por la maƱana pero que estaba agradecido de que la estrella de Disney igual fuera a su programa.

Video de Selena Gomez donde habla de su nuevo album

Selena Gomez "La gente me dijo que no era talentosa"

Selena: Tener una mentalidad empresarial tan joven es mĆ”s acerca de ser apasionado con las cosas que uno ama. Quiero decir, Ha habido gente que me dijo que nunca tendria mi propio show que no era lo suficiente talentosa o lo suficiente fuerte. Y he tenido un montĆ³n de gente criticando mi mĆŗsica y mi estilo personal y todo. Creo que es importante encontrar algo que te apasiona realmente que nunca dejarias que nada se interponga en el camino.

Eso es una gran parte de cĆ³mo me convertĆ­ en quien soy porque me encanta todo lo que hago. AsĆ­ que si tienes esa pasiĆ³n que le darĆ” la fuerza que necesita para convertirse en imparable.
Estoy muy orgulloso de mi trayectoria y de dĆ³nde vengo. Cuando era mĆ”s joven creia que tenĆ­a que tener los ojos azules y pelo rubio y piel de color blanco para tener el Ć©xito, sĆ© cĆ³mo algunas chicas se sienten en su interior. SĆ© lo que piensan que si quieren ser una actriz o un cantante que tiene que tener esas cualidades.

Para mĆ­, amo no tener el pelo rubio o los ojos azules para demostrar que todos no tienen que lucir de esa manera.
En todo el proceso de mi Ć”lbum, A year without rain, yo querĆ­a tener una mayor participaciĆ³n de la que habia tenido en el album pasado. Yo sabĆ­a exactamente donde querĆ­a ir con este Ć”lbum. Debido a que mi primer album era mĆ”s bien una experiencia de aprendizaje, la portada del Ć”lbum es un poco mayor, es un poco divertida y como soƱador y fantaseoso.

Tiene un sentimiento de baile y espero que todos puedan escucharlo. La razĆ³n por la que se llama A Day Without Rain es porque una de mis canciones favoritas en el Ć”lbum es a year without rain. BĆ”sicamente, tiene una melodĆ­a dulce y es bĆ”sicamente una canciĆ³n diciendo que no puedes vivir sin esa persona. Un dĆ­a sin ti es como un aƱo sin lluvia

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Thank Yous from JB and friends!

Justin Bieber having some fun during the tour making videos in his hotel rooms with his best buds Ryan Butler and Chaz Somers. Its nice to see them spending time together as we know Justin do miss his friends alot! And for them to come along for the tour definately made him happy!

Justin tweeted "havin some fun with @itsryanbutler and @ChazSom3rs and saying thank u in our own way 2 all u fans for what u do!"
Well, we wanna thank u for being u!! Thats the awesome thing about u! Other celebs are always faking it~ =) Love ya!

KYDZ DJ Robbie Q interviews Justin Bieber

LOL!! He's a kid DJ and he ask cute questions!! LOL! Dont be mean Justin~
But this interview is really really funny! Bahaha!
KYDZ DJ Robbie Q has he was in JB's dressing room before the show chopping it up with Justin.

Super Snake EXCLUSIVE backstage interview!

The crazy funny DJ Super Snake dropby backstage on Justin Bieber My World Tour to get an exclusive interview. So the Lamborghini is not Justin's!! Find out who it belongs to!!
He interviewed Shaq too but i dont know what the fish he said!

Shaquille O'neil Sings for Justin Bieber!

At the show in Phoenix Shaq surprised us at the soundcheck and sang to JB!!
Gotta say this is pretty funny.. And now we know another celebrity who have caught the Bieber Fever!!

JB, Ryan Butler, and Chaz Somers thanks fans

havin some fun with @itsryanbutler and @ChazSom3rs and saying thank u in our own way 2 all u fans for what u do!

WAZZUP - MattyBRaps, Christian and Caitlin Beadles, MarsRaps

Matty's back. Looks like this time he made some new friends.

Shaq sings with Justin Bieber

Just when you thought he was out of the game, Shaquille O'Neal somehow convinced ABC to greenlight season two of his reality show "Shaq Vs." And oh what a season it will be. This season The Diesel goes hair-to-head with teen pop sensation Justin Bieber. For those who haven't seen the show before, you're in for a treat. It's essentially a competition-based reality show where Shaq challenges the

Super Snake Backstage with Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez And Joey King Telemundo

Selena's birthday!

We added new photos of Selena celebrating her 18th Birthday at her LA house with her Family, friends and her band! They got her two huge cakes and one of them is "Kiss and Tell" themed and it looks great. Selena looks so pretty

R&B Weekend Totals

Ramona and Beezus came in at #6 at the box office with around 8 million so this means it'll surpass the budget and make a profit. I'm glad that critics favorably gave the movie a lot of positive reviews! Selena is such a talented girl and I would hate to have her talent go to waste, but money ultimately talks in this industry. She should start building herself a fanbase were movie goers are going to go see her movies because we already know she can act. Obviously roles are roles and we know who Selena is and I think the fans will know she's only acting.

The Walden Media/Fox joint venture Ramona And Beezus, based on the classic children's books by Beverly Cleary, is another of those wonderful young girl films championed by femme filmmakers. (For this one -- Elizabeth Allen, Denise Di Novi, and Alison Greenspan). Awareness and interest were solid with younger females followed by older females, while young girls had Disney Channel star Selena Gomez. Even with all this going for it, Hollywood expected Ramona to open to a $10M weekend, but the pic fetched less -- $8M -- after Friday's $3M and Saturday's $2.8M from 2,719 venues. Remember, this pic was inexpensive -- just $15M.

Selena Gomez Show Rescheduled

Selena's show at the Ohio State Fair has been rescheduled for November 6, 2010. More information below:

Columbus – The Selena Gomez & The Scene show at the Ohio State Fair has been rescheduled for Nov. 6, 2010. Actress/Singer Selena Gomez has been forced to cancel three concert dates and reschedule one scheduled over the next week due to strained vocal chords. Gomez’s physician has ordered her to vocal rest and no traveling on airplanes for the next week. All tickets will be honored at the Nov. 6 show. In addition, ticket holders can still use their concert ticket for one free admission to the Ohio State Fair on any day. For those who are unable to attend the Nov. 6 show, tickets will be refunded at the original point of purchase.
Visit, any Ticketmaster outlets, or call the Ticketmaster charge-by-phone line (1-800-745-3000) to purchase tickets or for ticket refunds.
Gomez's new CD “A Year Without Rain” will be released on September 21st by Hollywood Records.
The Ohio Expo Center is proud to host the Ohio State Fair. With a spectacular midway, big-name entertainment, hundreds of exhibits and one of the largest junior fair shows in the nation, the 2010 Ohio State Fair will run July 28 – Aug. 8. -30-
For more information, media may contact Christina Leeds at 614-644-4011.

Selena's Concert Cancelled

News has just been received that Selena will not be performing at the Delaware State Fair this Wednesday, July 28. She has cancelled due to strained vocal chords. More information about refunds and what Selena said below:

The Delaware State Fair is sorry to have to announce that the July 28th Selena Gomez Performance has been cancelled due to strained vocal chords. Gomez’s physician has ordered her to vocal rest and no traveling on airplanes for the next week. Gomez says: “I am extremely disappointed to cancel these shows. My fans mean the world to me and I was so excited to perform for them.”

Unfortunately, the show can not be rescheduled before the end of the fair. A full refund will be given to those who purchased their tickets directly from the Delaware State Fair. If you purchased your tickets and paid by credit card,
your credit card will automatically be credited in the amount of the original purchase. Please allow 2 weeks for this credit to post to your account.

If you paid by cash or check, please allow for up to 4 weeks for the processing of your refund. A receipt of a refund check will be sent by mail. Please complete this form only if you purchased your Selena Gomez tickets directly from the Delaware State Fair AND paid by cash or check. PDF Download for cash and check refunds. CASH

While the Delaware State Fair regrets the Selena Gomez cancellation, Allstar Weekend will be performing a free concert in her place on Wednesday July 28th beginning promptly at 7:30 pm in the Wilmington Trust Grandstand. The concert is absolutely free and open to anyone that would like to attend, no ticket is
required for admission. Delaware State Fair

Selena on Lopez Tonight!

I hope you all got to watch Selena on Lopez Tonight. If you missed it be sure to watch it below. Selena looked very VERY pretty! They gave her an AAC device to talk since she's on a vocal rest and it was so funny and cute.

Justin's 98.5 KLUC Las Vegas Interview

What? Does that mean Diddy didn't really give him the lamborghini?

Ricky Ficarelli - BABY [Drum Cover]

If you like that then you gotta watch this drum cover.

Selena Gomez en cuarto lugar de la taquilla en USA con Ramona & Beezus

La producciĆ³n de Walden Media/Fox, Ramona & Beezus, basada en los libros clĆ”sicos para niƱos de Beverly Cleary, es otra de esas pelĆ­culas de juveniles chicas maravillosas dirigidas por cineastas femeninas (Ć©sta fue dirigida por Elizabeth Allen). El interĆ©s estaba allĆ­, pero las mĆ”s jĆ³venes necesitaban la presencia de estrellas de Disney Channel como nuestra Selena Gomez.

AĆŗn con todo esto a su favor, Hollywood esperĆ³ para Ramona un fin de semana de estreno de $ 10 millones de dĆ³lares. Recuerden que esta pelĆ­cula fue relativamente barata de producir - sĆ³lo $ 15 millones de dĆ³lares.

Selena Gomez: Los chicos no se toman la molestia de hablarme

Selena Gomez durante una conferencia de prensa para su nueva pelĆ­cula, Ramona and Beezus, se quejĆ³ de que los chicos ni tienen intenciĆ³n en hablar con ella porque puede llegar a ser un poco intimidante.

Como se sabe, Selena Gomez es una celebridad, una gran cantante y sobre todo una gran actriz pero al parecer no lo tiene todo, los chicos no se atreven a hablarle porque es una persona conocida y no tan normal entre ellos.

Selena Gomez por le momento no tiene pareja pero si grandes amigos como Justin Bieber, quien le enviĆ³ un video por su cumpleaƱos ya que no pudo estar con ella para celebrarlo en persona, y tambiĆ©n Taylor Lautner, con quien compartiĆ³ un romance.

Selena Gomez estĆ” orgullosa de tener raĆ­ces latinas

La hermosa hechicera de Disney, Selena GĆ³mez se ha dedicado a promocionar su nueva pelĆ­cula Ramona y Beezus, y esta vez aprovecho la oportunidad para hablar de lo orgullosa que se siente de tener raĆ­ces latinas. Como muchos lo saben Selena es hija de padre mexicano, Ricardo GĆ³mez y de una actriz de origen italiano Mandy Teefey.

Selena esta muy orgullosa de tener en la sangre raĆ­ces latinas, ella naciĆ³ Grand Prairie, Texas, y sus padres se divorciaron cuando ella apenas tenĆ­a cinco aƱos de edad.

A pesar de la separaciĆ³n de sus padres, Selena absorbiĆ³ parte de la cultura latina, y especialmente la mexicana. "Creo que una de las cosas que mĆ”s me enseĆ±Ć³ mi padre, como parte de la cultura mexicana, es el valor de la familia, lo importante que es comer juntos, ir a la iglesia los domingos, ir al parque, de que la familia debe estar siempre unida, yo siempre cocinaba con mi abuelita y de eso me siento muy orgullosa y fue algo que siempre disfrutĆ©", comento Sely.

Selena confiesa que siempre ha querido aprender a hablar espaƱol fluidamente y que con la comunidad latina de Texas, donde viviĆ³ hasta que era casi una adolescente, se siente muy identificada."Siempre me aceptaron y me siento parte de ellos. Siempre apoyaron mi trabajo aĆŗn cuando yo no hablo espaƱol de forma fluida", dijĆ³ la Sel.

Justin mobbed in Glendale, AZ

From Paige & Amanda:
Justin came out on a Segway and was riding around the Westgate marketplace in Glendale AZ, next to Jobing Arena. This was around 6:30 and his concert was to begin at 7. I could not believe he was by himself, with another friend far behind. No security. He almost got trampled.


Senin, 26 Juli 2010


Even though the Teen Choice Awards aren't airing until August 9, Justin Bieber is already a winner. While at a concert in Glendale, Arizona Monday night, the teen singing sensation was surprised on stage by Shaquille O'Neal. Not only did Shaq announce that Bieber won an award, he actually won four.

Shaq and Justin were in the same city initially to film an appearance for the NBA star's upcoming season of "Shaq Vs.", where the two were scheduled to perform some sort of dance-off. (The show premieres on Tuesday, August 3.)

Justin also teased a number of photos from the appearance on his Twitter account, and verified to fans just how he surprised he was by receiving the awards. (He won't be able to attend the actual ceremony due to his tour.)


Justin Bieber at Glendale AZ

It may be out of excitement but girls.. really?? Chase him like that? U could have gone to him in a nice way and maybe he would talk to u normally instead of running for his freaking life! As ya'll know he's claustrophobic he might freak out and pass out or even worst.. wont make it for the show~ im no one to say all this but anyone would freak out.. Poor him..

Justin posted this pictures via twitter of the fun he had on MTV.. But he also tweet explaing about the pics and also what happened to him yesterday(as of the video above) saying "funny thing was those pics r from the fun we had w/ @mtv 2day but that really did happen to me yesterday in Pheonix and it was a little nuts"

Justin Bieber's MTV Photoshoot

Shoot with @mtv cooking up some goodness. This is gonna be cool.
Wonder what Justin and MTV has in store?

Justin Bieber wins 4 Teen Choice Awards

Justin Bieber got a huge shock (literally) when Shaquille O'Neal surprised him on stage during Sunday's concert. "Got surprised by my man @THE_REAL_SHAQ on stage tonight in Pheonix (sic)...cant wait until u see why!!!" the 5'4" Bieber tweeted today (Monday).

He was even more surprised though when the 7'1" NBA superstar surprised him with four 2010 Teen Choice Awards. "You didn't win one," Shaq

Justin Bieber - ONE TIME [My Heart Edition]

Special Guest!! Guess who??

Clue: He used to be Justin's ticket!! LOL!!
And if u're wondering what song he played after he called out Dan's name.. Its called Sweet Child Of Mine by Guns 'n' Roses!!

Lamborghini baby!!

Sean Kingston Lamborghini Blog Co-Starring His Lil Bro JUSTIN!!

Selena on Vocal Rest!


This is funny!! As u can see Justin is freakingly tiny!! Or is Shaq really huge?? Hahaha!! I mean really look!! Shaq is sitting down and Justin is the same height as him when standing up!! And Shaq is huge but he gave a huge smiley face with a cute peace sign and Justin is tiny giving a serious face with a rockstar hand! These are just funny to me! Gotta love it~

And this is majorly hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww.. I really love looking at this~ The Real Bieber Family~

On set of CSI!!!

Justin Bieber on set of CSI!! I bet he did a great job. Now lets get excited for the premier!!! CSI premieres on Thursday, Sept 23rd on CBS!! Marj your calanders!