Sabtu, 30 April 2011
Britain’s Got Talent star Ronan Parke the next Justin Bieber?
Britain may have found its answer to Canadian pop prince Justin Bieber in the form of a young contestant on this year’s Britain’s Got Talent.
12 year old Ronan Parke, who was one of the final contestants to perform on the third Britain’s Got Talent audition show, has already taken the internet by storm.
The shy singer instantly won over fans with his impressive performance of Feeling Good, sung by Nina Simone and Michael Buble.
Despite his diminutive stature his powerful blues voice earned him a standing ovation from the 2500 strong London audience and the three judges, Louis Walsh, Michael McIntyre and Amanda Holden.
On her feet, Amanda said: "Oh my goodness! Ronan that was ace! I cannot believe how fantastic that was!"
On her feet, Amanda said: "Oh my goodness! Ronan that was ace! I cannot believe how fantastic that was!"
Michael said: "Ronan, yes, you took a day off school; I wouldn't bother going back! He added: "You are a little star... you have just taken the room and just blown the roof off it!"
Louis said: "I'm going to predict really big things for you, you're so good...Ronan Parke: remember that name, this kid is going to be a star."
With three emphatic “yeses” Ronan's mum Maggie ran on stage to hug her tearful son while Louis told fellow judges: "He's the one to beat."
Ronan’s name immediately began to trend worldwide on the micro blogging site Twitter with fans dubbing him the next Justin Bieber.
Justin Bieber shot to fame after posting his videos on the vlogging site You Tube. With his Bieber-esque hair cut and obvious talent it looks as if the shy 12 year old could follow in his footsteps.
With three emphatic “yeses” Ronan's mum Maggie ran on stage to hug her tearful son while Louis told fellow judges: "He's the one to beat."
Ronan’s name immediately began to trend worldwide on the micro blogging site Twitter with fans dubbing him the next Justin Bieber.
Justin Bieber shot to fame after posting his videos on the vlogging site You Tube. With his Bieber-esque hair cut and obvious talent it looks as if the shy 12 year old could follow in his footsteps.
Jelena EXPOSED: The Timeline
We all have our own opinions. If you’re a huge Jelena supporter it’s YOUR choice to read or not to read. We’re not forcing you to do anything. We’re proving a point.
You don’t have to read anything you don’t want to. We’re just taking this into another perspective instead of the “perspective” of the people making MONEY off of ‘Jelena’ and the perspective of Jelenators saying everything Justin and Selena do is perfect.
Howdy again, perceptive readers
So as you guys know, we get hate like every week. Hate from Selenators and hate from Beliebers who think we need to “respect Jelena.” We aren’t complaining though, we actually love all the attention. It’s actually funny, because unlike most Selenators or Jelenators we respect all opinions. Even if you 100% disagree with us. Plus, we love proving them wrong. Keep in mind, we never post anything without any proof. This whole blog is based on proof and exposing the truth. It’s also our opinion on everything analyzed or opinions of people associated with Justin. And if you actually take another perspective, instead of being so obsessed with your own belief, you’ll realize what we say actually makes sense. We go back and forth with these people because we are determined for every single person in the Twitterverse to believe us when we say Jelena is as fake as a three dollar bill and both Justin and Selena are faking Jelena. 90% of our readers believe us when we say Jelena is not real, then we have the 10% that stay hating and being in denial against our posts. So this post, this post goes out to that 10%. This goes out to the people in denial. We love you haters so we are about to single handedly make you eat your words up like no other.

“One less lonely New Year”

You know we had to start off with New years 2010. If you don’t know, Justin and Selena spent New Years 2010 in Times Square together at the Ball Drop ceremony and performed One Less Lonely girl together. Well, Justin performed and Selena just kinda sat there looking awkward until the end. Any who Justin serenaded Selena and she just looked awkward. The whole time she was just smiling and looking around like “Oh, kids. They sing the darnedest things!” If you have never seen the performance, you might wanna take a look.
Justin looked very genuine during that performance and looked like he was having a fun time. Selena looked like she was trying too hard. Sure, it was nice of her to come out there but the way she looked at him was like he was a little baby. Plus, Justin went out there with his broken ankle and all. Let’s hope she didn’t bruise his pride too much. But then she stood up and started dancing and singing along. Don’t know why, but she did and it looked awkward because she was so tall next to him.
If it wasn’t obvious enough, for Justin that performance wasn’t really fake. We think he genuinely liked her at that time. In 2009 he’d had a couple interviews before where he would say she was “only pretty” but he didn’t like her. This performance was probably the one where he began to like her, because straight after that they were rumored to hang out ever so often and become ‘best friends.’
Skip to 6:53 and listen to the conversation. The interviewer goes “Who’s your number two pick?” and Justin says, “I think Selena Gomez is pretty. But I don’t like her. I think she’s cute, I think she’s a cutie but…” And then they proceed to talk about what could happen between them in the future. (This video was posted September 29th, 2009. So he must have said that some time before that date.) Late 2009 Justin was just everywhere talking about Selena and how he didn’t ‘like’ her, he just thought she was pretty. But I think you and I both know Justin had a bit of a crush on little Ms. Gomez. Even though around that time, Selena didn’t really care. Before Justin’s HUGE burst of fame last year, Selena wasn’t anywhere talking about Justin even though she most likely knew Justin had a little crush on her, until…
HOLD UP. Lets go a little further back before the dates began.
Selena Gomez’s DREAM OUT LOUD.
This honestly, is the confusing part. It confuses everyone, including us.
Well, who has seen Selena’s Dream Out Loud behind the scenes video? I have. Maybe you haven’t but here’s a screen shoot of one of the screen shots.
Surprise, Surprise, now look at that. The Justin Bieber sticker. Now why in the world would they zoom into that? Perhaps It was zoomed in on purpose. Perhaps they knew a fan would see it. Yes and yes? What I find funny though is this was around the time Justin supposedly had something with Ms. Villegas. So the fact that Selena has his sticker is just confusing to me. Unless Justin is a two-timer.. then that’s another story.
Now this was way before they started thinking of each other in the girlfriend/boyfriend way. And way before they even started hanging out a lot.
Now, who else would tell the camera man to zoom in her cell phone? Perhaps, Selena herself? Maybe, maybe not. But the possibility could be..
Selena’s Stage Mom.
Now, when a celebrity has a manager it’s nothing unusual. But, when the celebrity’s manager is their mom, it says a lot. It says your mom is a stage mom. A stage mom is someone who pushes their child to be famous.
This comes to us as no surprise. Selena’s mom, Mandy Cornett also wanted to be a famous actress but wasn’t successful. Mandy’s aspirations to be a famous actress must have something to do with why Selena is famous today. When you have a stage mom who happens to be your manager, you don’t exactly have a lot of room to make your own decisions. Selena does what Mandy wants. Trust us when we tell you that Mandy is the type of person who wants fame. So, it shouldn’t surprise you that Selena met Justin through her mom from a call from Justin’s own manager, Scooter. It seems like Jelena’s ‘people’ are basically in control of their whole lives. No wonder why these teen celebs seem lost. Selena actually knew Justin a year before he became famous. But they were still ‘brother and sister‘ so she would “never think of him THAT way.”
Okay. Moving on.
- until….
The “Dates” Begin

October was when everything blew up for Justin and Selena. Selena was everywhere being asked about Justin, and she was just sticking to her same little line. Saying the same things, over and over. “He’s like my little brother!” “He’s a dork!” “He’s little!” Everywhere. Every interview, every question, same answer. This went all through October and November.
‘He’s a dork.’ – October 1st, 2010.
‘He’s little.’ – October, 14th 2010.
‘He’s like my little brother!’ – October 18th, 2010
(Notice how Selena replied so quickly to that statement Ellen made, and her reaction was so fake. She looked out into the audience too right when she said “WHAT?!” It didn’t look real. Probably planned out by their people, keep denying)
My question is, through all these interviews how Selena is saying she’s “known Justin for so long” and “Hangs with him,” when had she ever hung out with him personally in 2010, before October? (Which again is around the time Justin and Ms. Villegas had something going..) I recall Justin touring through most of 2010 so how was there ever any room for them to become ‘best friends‘? Selena was filming WOWP, doing her clothing line and working a lot overall. Justin was making a book, doing concerts nightly and hectic interviews/schedules. So I want to know, why all of a sudden Selena was saying that. It’s funny how she all of a sudden went from ignoring him to hanging out with him ‘ever so often.’
Straight after these interviews passed was when everything went down with ‘Jelena’ Starting with…
This must have been the funniest thing ever for us. Justin made it too obvious that this was just a little publicity stunt. The night of November 1st, Justin and his buddies were out at a haunted house. As you know, they were not alone. “Who were they accompanied by?” You ask? Well the answer to that cute little question of yours is obviously, Selena Gomez. They were both in California at the time and Justin made it too obvious that they were together. “But how is this a publicity stunt?” You ask. Well the night of the haunted house date Justin tweeted:

Why, Justin? Why would you tweet that if you were just in a haunted house with her? (And we’re assuming he does have her number. Because, I mean, according to Selena they “have been best friends for like years” or something, right?) I’m pretty sure Justin could have texted Selena that instead of going on twitter and slipping that tweet in. Some people are saying he didn’t have to. But Justin, if you’re really “trying to avoid drama” and you “want your life private” why would you tweet that for your millions of followers to see? He knew it was going to start something, which is exactly why he tweeted it. Then what do you know? More Jelena ‘dating’ rumors occur. Now I’m not saying this was Justin’s plan, but we are not that stupid. Come on, dude.
Next date was a little smaller, and not that big a deal. Same exact date of the last outing, a little weird. But it was still a date, none the less. It’s what we like to refer to as…

OUTING TWO: LE FOOTBALL FUN: November 1st 2010.
Let me just point out that this wasn’t at a random football game. No, Justin did not just pop into a random high school stadium and go “Looks like a swag football stadium, let’s sit here and watch it!” Even though that would be something Justin would say. But no, this was Will Smith’s oldest son (Trey Smith)’s football game at Moorpark, California. Justin joined Jaden and Will to the game and brought along his date, Selena. Honestly, for a date Justin didn’t look to excited to be there. He was tweeting on his phone the whole time and thanking his fans for not getting too wild at his arrival. So what kind of date is it when you’re not focused on the girl, nor the game? Sounds fun.
Next date was big. Out of all dates this was the one people made the most out of…

OUTING THREE: LE PANCAKE DATE – December 9th 2010.
If this didn’t spark up rumors, I don’t know what did. First of all, what’s with the sitting on the same side of the booth. On a date you are supposed to sit at opposite sides so you can look into the person’s eyes, so what was that? (UD: The people at the diner also stated that Justin and Selena basically spent the whole time just fooling around and looked very ‘touchy‘) Couldn’t you guys of just done that at your hotel room? Instead of having to go out in public? Then, they left with their heads down and linked arms. That’s how you were able to tell they were already an ‘item.’ (Unless you link arms with your little brother and go on iHop dates with him too, because that’s totally understandable.) Anyway, on this date was when Selena began to just become sarcastic and lie. This was when people began to dislike her. She was interviewed by MTV a couple days after and explained the whole thing. Saying it was “all innocent” Right, We’re sure it was.
What kills me Selena asks the questions that are most irrelevant. “Who doesn’t like pancakes?” Selena, everyone loves pancakes. But that has nothing to do with the subject here. Aha, oh brother. Honestly, she and Justin chose to go out and be flirty in public. You guys
regular teens. It’s a big deal. Just in case Justin and Selena don’t know, there’s a thing called Paparazzi.
regular teens. It’s a big deal. Just in case Justin and Selena don’t know, there’s a thing called Paparazzi.
She also said on this date that Scooter was the one who called and told her that Justin wanted to hang out with her. And how she said ‘Yes‘ because she felt like a “big sister to him and wanted to protect him.” Yah’know, I can’t help but notice Scooter is always caught in the middle of these two between everything they do. He has some part in it. Then when they ask him questions he either lies about it or avoids the subject. Think about it. Maybe he’s into this publicity thing also. The more fame Justin gets, the more money Scooter gets. Anyways..
Next was jingle ball. Jingle ball 2010 wasn’t a big deal probably to most Beliebers because Selena and Justin weren’t seen together. But what you most likely don’t know, they were together. Trust me, they were together.

Honestly, I don’t really get the point of them having to take the picture of Justin with this coat on. I just don’t understand how this could possibly have “leaked.” It was obvious that they WANTED this to come out. Either that, or Justin was feeling silly and decided to flash a picture of him in the coat and send it out. Selena was probably performing or something while this picture was taken, or thye were all just hanging out in the dressing room. Who knows what really went on? This isn’t all innocent though. I don’t understand why the paps made a big deal out of this. Who knows, maybe it was Jelena’s ‘people’ doing. Like most of everything.
After Jingle ball went through, it was Thanksgiving/Christmas time. This is when it gets funky.

(Down there is Priscilla Deleon, by the way.) Anyway, up there is the picture of Justin and Selena together on Thanksgiving in Selena’s house. Funny how in the picture that “someone” sent to the Paparazzi, only got them two. (Which is what was apparently stated.) I mean I’m pretty sure there’s more to the picture, like the full family, but it’s funny how this was only picture that surfaced the web to the paps. Not to say someone didn’t crop it and only leak this, but to me it seems like Pattie wasn’t part of this Thanksgiving decision fully. Now, I don’t know if Justin was with his parents, grandparents, etc. in this little get together with Selena, but it doesn’t look like it to me. He was said to be with his full family. Not just with his mom and Selena’s family. Also notice how out of place Justin looks. He’s barely smiling and just looks downright uncomfortable. Meanwhile Selena just looks happy about it. Justin could of showed a little emotion in the picture. It was his first Thanksgiving with his ‘girlfriend.’ Right?
Next big public outing, I have nothing to say to…

– December 19th, 2010.

I honestly, don’t want to know what they did in that tour bus, or why. But the more deeper into the relationship we get, the more touch. Woah there, Biebs.
NEXT. THE BIGGEST DEAL OF 2010. It was a vacation we’d like to call…
This was honestly just…. no words really. This whole St. Lucia, thing changed our opinion on Justin fully. Justin and Selena went to a private place in St. Lucia with Justin’s buddy, Busty. And Selena’s cousin, Priscilla. Justin and Selena were awfully touchy-feely during this vacation. So when this happened, things switched a bit. Obviously we all know something fishy is going on between Justin and Selena. But this vacation included a lot of lies on Justin’s part. There was a lot of things that weren’t exactly true. He said he was spending Christmas with his family and ‘chilling’ the whole vacation with them. But honestly, what the hell. What kind of Christmas was that? How do you spend Christmas with your alleged girlfriend, best friend, and girlfriend’s cousin? Where was Justin’s mother through all of this? We know for a fact that she was on the cruise with them and Justin’s father at the time, well for part of it. Because Justin was still 16 at this time. If it weren’t for paps ‘catching’ these pictures, we all would of thought Justin was in Canada his whole break.
More importantly, I love how the paparazzi never caught Justin and Selena kissing. They looked like they were close to kissing, but didn’t kiss. Or it was a kiss on the cheek. Also these pictures look awfully posed to me. It’s like those “couple” pictures of swimwear you see in Vogue or Abercrombie and Fitch catalogs, am I right? And funny how the Paps only get the perfect shots of them touching. Not talking. Just touching.. Mhm. So does that mean they spent their whole time out there just rubbing on each other? Haha, dirty minds (;
Now before we continue, I would like to present to you all with the three Jelena theories.
a) Jelena is a full publicity stunt for both Selena, and Justin.
Whoever says this, sorry but you’re wrong. A lot of Selenators just love to flip the script and claim Justin is using Selena. But let’s be honest right now, shall we? If you have more popularity, fame and money than someone why would you need to use them? And, If you have OVER 9 million followers on twitter and over 20 million ‘likers’ on facebook would you really want to take publicity from someone who was less ‘likers’ and less followers than you? Yeah, Didn’t think so. Besides, (not kissing ass here) Justin seems like an overall sweet boy. He treats his mother with respect and we’ve seen how he treats other woman. We doubt he’d do something that disrespectful especially since he doesn’t need to use Selena for anything. While on the other hand she does. You never know. But for all we know, maybe he could be using the fact that he’s with Selena as an advantage. Again, it’s really up to all opinions.
b) Jelena is a sex couple. (Friends with Benefits)
Not going to lie, this passed through our minds a couple times now because of how sexual they got. Especially after St. Lucia and…

– February 27th, 2011.

Left bottom picture. Obviously Justin is shoving his head into whatever kind of cleavage the boy thinks Selena has in there.
I honestly, don’t know what that is. Like is that a sign of respect where Selena comes from? Is that some type of cool think that people do nowadays? Nah, that’s just sexual. So there is a possibility that they are ‘friends’ with benefits. Minus the ‘friends’ part because I don’t really know how good of a ‘friend’ Selena really is. *cough* I mean what “friend” doesn’t visit their ‘best friend’ Demi in rehab (only calls, but doesn’t visit) but has time to go cruising with the Biebster? Anyways, that’s on a different topic. But why would Selena and Justin feel the need to take a picture of their pictures or let Paparazzi (that they “hate so much“) take pictures of it? I’m sure they could of bought two sets of these pictures from the machine. They are Millionaires you know.
But the thing that gets me is just how Selena looks like she’s the one who controls Justin. Pushing his head in and all of that. He looks like a lost puppy in all these actions. They seem kinda pushy, both of them. It just seems all planned out. Because it’s like right after they take those pictures, the paps get a snap of it, then they move on.
c) Jelena is just a publicity stunt for Selena.
That’s more like it!
Keep those three theories in mind, and on with the time-line.
Let’s go forward to a great, great event that occurred at the Vanity Fair party as well…

LE FAKE KISS – February 27th, 2011
We call this kiss fake for a bunch of reasons. Obvious first reason: Justin had his eyes open. Before we get deep, let’s ask some questions. When a boy kisses you are his eyes open? Is he looking directly at a camera? “No and No.” Cool, just asking. Moving along.. So Justin’s talking to some dude, showing him stuff on his iPhone. Don’t know much about that. But after that, Selena tilts her head and it looks like she smiles at Justin then he kisses her. Then they lick they’re lips and look around casually. Honestly, what kind of kiss was that? Here is an example of a REAL kiss shared between two stars:
Zac does not quickly pull away and look for paparazzi, neither does Vanessa. Given, they are much older. But a relationship is a relationship and that Jelena kiss was fake. I also love how Justin was looking directly at the camera when he kissed her. Then when he pulled away he barely smiled and she did. It was the quickest little kiss ever. Some would think “Well maybe they didn’t want anyone to see them kissing!” But that would make no sense, my friend. Because they had just attended a red carpet even together and took some very dirty pictures of themselves in a booth, which they SHARED with the Paparazzi normally. Also I’m loving how for some awkward reason the Paparazzi just seemed to be watching Justin and Selena. It’s like the Paps knew they were going to do something. Am I right? So if you still don’t think that was the fakest kiss in the history of celebrity kisses, then you’re just in denial.
(Some people say Justin didn’t fully kiss Selena because they’d just been dating for a few months. Haha, that’s funny also, because when Justin and Jasmine had their thing for a few weeks. Justin sure did give Jasmine’s tongue a fun time those car pictures last October.”
Afterward, we had…

LE HABIEBERTH DAY! – March 1st, 2011!
First of all, I love how Justin was at a mall with Alfredo and Selena on his 17th birthday. I would have spent it with my family. All of it. And there were rumors that Justin had bought expensive Selena some things on his birthday as he isn’t sweet enough, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about. (Holla at the Louis Vuitton

We’re here to talk about…

Would the Justin you know and you look up to do something like that? It’s safe to say he changes when he’s around Selena because he does. He becomes this disrespectful, annoying little jerk. We’re not taking his side on this. It was wrong what he did and it was wrong what he did in incidents before this. (The incident at the hotel when he ignored those fans)OR (The incident at the movies when he almost ignored that little girl) He just acts totally different, probably to amuse her. Or make it seem like he’s more mature, but this isn’t mature. This is sad, fake, and annoying.
Moving on to a big part of the fake part here on this time-line…

Pretty sure all of YA’LL remember this, don’t you? Justin tweets Selena he misses her, “Aww! So cute! How is that wrong?!” Honestly, kids. Do we even have to explain this to you? Back to what I said about the haunted house tweet. Why would Justin tweet Selena saying that he missed her if he could have texted her? Does that make any sense to you at all? “Well, maybe her phone died!” WRONG, because she tweeted him back directly from Echofon.

Echofon is a MOBILE APPLICATION, for people with twitter. Everybody uses it. So how could he have not texted her saying that he missed her?
Also, what kills me is that Selena replied exactly 11 minutes after. It was like he told her to go reply to his tweet. Selena hadn’t been on twitter for like a day or two, before she tweeted that. So I want to know how she all of a sudden decided to get on and tweet Justin back EXACTLY when he tweeted her. Coincidence? Don’t think so.
Also, what kills me is that Selena replied exactly 11 minutes after. It was like he told her to go reply to his tweet. Selena hadn’t been on twitter for like a day or two, before she tweeted that. So I want to know how she all of a sudden decided to get on and tweet Justin back EXACTLY when he tweeted her. Coincidence? Don’t think so.
(We’re aware that you can choose who you want to get tweets from. But this is what’s interesting also, she only comes on once for Justin but not her fans at that time. And considering that she was just sitting around, because if she was busy, she probably wouldn’t of replied that early, she could of been thanking her fans via Twitter too, right? Not only Justin?)
So then recently, we have Malaysia. Which we already wrote about.
But not just yet Beliebers, there’s more to the story. And what a sad story it is. Apparently Justin took a picture of his iPhone4g background of him and Selena. (April 22) Here’s the pic:
And ‘somehow’ the paparazzi got a hold of it and sent it around. First. There is no possibly way a paparazzi can get a hold of your personal phone pictures unless you send it to them or they steal your phone. Which they didn’t. Why would Justin need to use his other phone to take a picture of his background of him and Selena? Something’s not adding up. Also, that phone background picture has never been seen anywhere else. So that’s a private “Jelena” picture. Some say that Justin left his phone lying around and a fan saw it, then clicked on the screen, then took the picture and then left the diner. Excuse me while we die of laughter. First of all. Why would Justin Bieber, leave his phone (that has everything on it, possibly secrets, important phone numbers and who knows what else he’s hiding on there) on a dining table in another country? And we’re sure he went to dinner with other people, cause I’m sure a famous star wouldn’t go eat dinner alone. So odds are they would of told him about his phone being left on the table. And then he ‘somehow’ comes back for the phone and leaves.
And we must not forget that time when Selena lied about skyping with Justin (when he was clearly sleeping at 4 am in the morning), just so them could get more attention for RockMafia’s song that he’s working on with her. Read post here:
All these things going through your head. Everything is adding up now, isn’t it?
Basically to break it down; Their relationship is a publicity stunt. Not mainly for Justin though, but for Selena. Selena’s ending her show Wizards of Waverly Place on Disney this year and that’s where 99% of her income comes from. Since she’s leaving Disney, her fame could slowly slip away. She needs to keep up that balance though. People do things like that ALL the time in young Hollywood. Some go as far as even getting married. It keeps their name out there more and keeps the drama more interesting. The only reason Justin never confirms their relationship is because he knows there’s nothing to it. Why do you think when Justin and Caitlin broke up he talked about how he dated her and how he enjoyed her company. But he NEVER talks openly about dating Selena? Because Jaitlin was built on reality and Jelena was based on fame. Selena’s ‘people’ are just using Justin to keep her name out there and increase her fan-base. (As you can see she’s gotten 2 million new followers from Justin and apparently her dating Justin was one of the reasons Selena was even allowed to open for an award at the Grammys.) Dating Justin brings her loads of more opportunities. I think the only reason Justin is going along with this, is because he’s had a crush on Selena before and maybe he thinks doing this could lead to something more? But I doubt it. I just wonder how Justin will feel once Jelena is over. He could have some deep feelings for her you know.. It would hurt him to see that she’s moved onto someone else and that their relationship went by faster than a second. Both Justin and Selena are basically in the middle of all of this. I think this is the doing of their people. But then again, maybe Selena automatically woke up a week later after she said she would never date Justin, and decided he was “the one” for her. Then he took her on a cruise and they fell in love. Like a fairytale! Back to reality here..
I just want to know why Selena constantly puts Justin down saying she’d “never date him” “he’s a little dork” and they’re “nothing more than friends.” But then two weeks later when his new movie, NSN is coming out, he’s up to win 2 Grammies, he’s ending his tour that brought in millions of dollars and he’s been labeled as the Most Famous Teen Star on the Planet, Selena THEN all of a sudden loves him? Haha.. she’s funny.
So this is it; Why would Justin and Selena feel the need to look for Paparazzi whenever they ‘kiss’ while some couples that REALLY like each other look into each others eyes? Why would they feel the need to take a picture OF a picture they’re already in? Why would they feel the need to lie constantly about how they’re not dating? But it’s sweet that Justin is trying to help out a friend I guess. Like he always says…… “#SupportYourFriends” right?
Ps; You could honestly think what you want. But this post has a point. We’re just gonna laugh when “Jelena” ends and she’s dates a new guy after. Like what happened with Nelena, Telena, Delena and others. At least we have proof it’s fake. What do you guys have? The fact that she flew in to see Justin? Well Nick Jonas flew to LA, just to see Selena couple of weeks ago. Not suspicious, right? Selena flying in to see Justin is nothing. She’s a millionaire, it’s not a big deal. Everyone can have their own opinion on this Maybe Selena and Justin just happen to like sending their “private” pictures to paps. Who knows? If you disagree, that’s fine. Post a comment. But this is from OUR view. We’re not even Beliebers like that either or jealous. I mean I’m a fan of Jasmine V and Caitlin who’ve dated Justin). Jelena is fake, whether you like it or not. Her relationships last no longer than 6 months/tops. Wonder why.. Or maybe Justin just likes denying things. People say Justin would never lie. But “Never Say Never” right?
This is Hollywood. 99% of the things you see on TV are fake. Sorry, if you think fame is based on talent. Because nowadays? It’s not.
Both Justin and Selena could be getting a lot out of this. Not to mention their “people” who by the way, control almost their whole
Selena Gomez dice que tiene trastorno bipolar

Ella dijo: "Lo más importante que me molesta de eso es que yo nunca dije que quería ser la chica buena. Yo sólo quería ser conocida por mi trabajo. Me encanta mi trabajo, mis fans. Me molesta que me pongan como una niña buena".
Ella agregó: "Estoy segura de que tengo algún tipo de trastorno bipolar. Me despierto feliz, y de pronto estoy triste. Es una locura, pero ahora mismo me gusta todo eso..."
Sin embargo, ella todavía no quiere hablar sobre su relación con Justin. Selena se limitó a decir: "Creo que Justin es un gran artista, es una realidad".
Selena ha admitido que le encantaría trabajar con el pianista Jason Moran: "Creo que es tan talentoso que me he enamorado de él, creo".
Aunque no ha igualado el éxito de Justin en la música, ella está a punto de lanzar su tercer álbum como parte de Selena Gomez & The Scene y el nuevo single "Who Says" se puede descargar desde el 15 de mayo.
Ella lanzó el single después de algunos comentarios mordaces sobre ella y Justin. Ella dijo: "Esta canción trata sobre la gente que siempre tratará de desmoralizarte. No dejen que la gente les haga eso. No es una canción triste, es optimista...."
Selena es valiente al admitir que es parte del mundo plástico y perfecto de Disney y un modelo a seguir para millones de chicas jóvenes. Pero luego, cuando vienen y le dicen que quieren ser famosos y ser como ella, trata de guiarlos en aguas menos agitadas.
Ella dijo: "Yo les digo, 'no lo hagas sólo para ser famoso', tienes que amar lo que quieres hacer. Habrá una gran cantidad de rechazo y hay que estar preparado para ello. Estoy en un lugar muy feliz en mi carrera. Pero todavía me rechazan a veces".
Su madre la ha ayudado a pasar por tiempos oscuros. Selena no es hueso duro de roer. Ella dijo: "Mi madre me empuja a ser más dura y no sé qué haría sin ella. Ella es la fuerza impulsora detrás de mi éxito...".
Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber estarían planeando vacacionar juntos

De acuerdo con 'Hollywood News', el informante de 'E! News', Ken Baker habría comentado a Ryan Seacrest que Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber estarían planificando unas vacaciones una vez que finalice la gira 'My World Tour'.
¿Crees que la estrella de Hechiceros de Waverly Place y el intérprete de 'Never Say Never' estén programando vacacionar juntos?
Selena Gomez revela que jamás podría ser jueza de X Factor

Selena Gomez dijo: ‘No creo que pueda ser juez en Factor X, porque yo nunca sería capaz de enviar a casa a nadie. Pensé que sería como ‘No puedo enviar a casa a nadie lo siento, todos van a ganar. Yo no podía hacerlo, así que mi sueño es llevar a cantar en X Factor o ser un miembro de la audiencia’.
Selena Gomez También reveló que su sueño sería hacer un dúo con la cantante británica y el jueza de Factor X, Cheryl Cole.
Jumat, 29 April 2011
Happy Birthday @KennyHamilton
Justin Bieber played a birthday prank on his friend Wilson Warren, after posting his friend’s phone number on his Twitter page!
Earlier today, the teen singer posted Wilson’s cell phone number on his Twitter page, urging his fans to give him a call, thinking that they were going to talk to Justin! Ha!
He tweeted, “Call me…I wanna talk to my fans.”
His friend received a ton of phone calls from Justin’s fans. Wilson responded, “O you little tool… Oooooooo if you weren’t in Aus”, adding, “Love my lil bro Justin Bieber but all is fair in love and war. Still friends. For now. Hahahaha.”
Mark Wahlberg Compares Bieber To Tupac: World Cries
Yes. You did read the headline correctly: Mark Wahlberg just compared Justin Bieber to Tupac Shakur. Since you -- like us -- probably can't quite believe that just happened, here's the actual (ridiculous) quote:
"The world needs Justin Bieber," Wahlberg opined. "Justin Bieber is like the white Tupac. Compared to a lot of people."
Is he, Wahlberg? Really? That's a bit like saying Lady Gaga is like the white Aretha Franklin -- compared to a lot of people (who've never held microphones). Or that Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch was like Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five -- compared to a lot of people (who've never made any music at all).
If you're going to throw "compared to a lot of people" on the end of a comparison, it pretty much makes it null and void. The only thing Justin Bieber has in common with Tupac is that they've both had successful careers in music -- and it definitely isn't the same kind of music.
Bieber's from Ontario, Canada; Tupac was a Harlem boy who wound up in the Bay Area. Tupac focused on social issues in his songs; Bieber sings about girls. Bieber is squeaky clean (if a little creepy around older women); Tupac was in and out of trouble with the law throughout his life. Bieber sold locks of his hair on eBay for $40,668; Tupac survived being shot in the head in 1994.
Saying Justin Bieber is like Tupac Shakur, compared to a lot of people, is like saying Barack Obama is like Hitler, compared to a lot of people (who've never been in charge of a country).
Nice one, Wahlberg. We actually do think you're a good actor, with fine abs and a penchant for having babies every three minutes. And we're not even going to assume that the movie you're cooking up with Bieber that prompted you to make such jaw-dropping statements, is going to be bad. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. But there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, sir. And comparing a tween popster with one of the most important figures in hip-hop history is nothing less than absurd.
Now, to cheer us all up, let's take a little look back on Wahlberg's previous experiments with music. Brilliant.
Justin Bieber reportedly planning summer trip with Selena Gomez Young love is in the air and it seems Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are determined to make their busy lives work together.
While it was rumored that the two spent some time together in Malaysia while Bieber continued his tour, it seems they may take a little longer trip soon, states HollywoodLife. E! News’ Ken Baker reportedly told Ryan Seacrest that the two young stars might have vacation plans after Bieber finishes his tour.
He also commented that engagement and promise ring rumors are being denied, but that they do seem totally in love.
Do you think this is just young love or the real thing?
The Phone Number of Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber fever rose a few degrees today when he published what he said was his phone number online and asked their fans to call him.
But in the end everything turned out to be just a joke. The number turned out to be one of his friends and posted it to make a joke on her birthday.
The young singer released the number and wrote
"Call me 4046616782 I wanna talk to my fans (sic)"
Which later faded. Just weeks before the singer of "Baby" caused uproar among his fans with a message on Twitter which mentioned that Twitter was going to leave forever. Neither turned out to be true because at this time has more than 9 million fans. We wonder how many calls from frantic screaming girls and received his poor friend. Happy Birthday!
Justin is well known for his love of playing pranks ... I recently played a joke on tour with his partner Willow Smith while she was in full show.
Kamis, 28 April 2011
Justin Bieber envió 'tweet' amoroso a Selena Gomez

Así lo dieron a conocer los medios internacionales a partir de las muestras de amor de la parejita en su viaje a Indonesia, en donde incluso el portal HollywoodLife informó que alquilaron nada menos que la suite presidencial del hotel de Paris Hilton.
"Fue un día especial y romántico", habría escrito el intérprete de One Time y Somebody to Love después de conocida su dolencia en la espalda.
En la víspera, Selena Gómez pulicó en su Twitter: “Después de unas largas 24 horas y algunos locos problemas con el avión por fin estoy fuera. Gracias a Indonesia y a nuestro secreto día en Bali”, contestando al Baby.
Selena Gomez: Hilary Duff era mi ídola

Así también, la actual novia de Justin Bieber aseguró que sus fans son increíbles y que sin duda ella tiene los mejores seguidores.
'Amo mis fans, son lo má bello en el mundo para mí. Todo lo que hago es para ellos, todo lo que elijo y decido es para ellos. Tengo los mejores fans.' señaló Selena Gomez.
Taylor Swift a Selena Gomez: Los amigos son los mejores regalos

Ambos ídolos adolescentes lucen adorables en donde Taylor Swift sostiene una pequeña almohada que tiene una frase sabia de su amistad. ‘Los amigos son los mejores regalos’.
Taylor Swift y Selena Gomez han fortalecido su amistad con el paso de los años, ellas han estado mostrando su relación al público varias veces.
New Justin Bieber Perfume Products - Scented Wrist Bands and Dog Tags for Girls
Like so many other super hot celebrities Justin Bieber has created his own special fragrance. The Justin Bieber perfume scent is called "My World" and so far there is no mention of the perfume being bottled and sold. It has been added to jewelry, wrist bands and wearable fragrance dog tags. A pretty unique idea and I'm sure Justin Bieber's fans will love wearing the Justin Bieber products that feature a scent that he loves. Here's a video clip with more information on Justin Bieber's recent "My World" perfume creation.
Tags: Justin Bieber perfume, Justin Bieber dog tags, Justin Bieber My World perfume, Justin Bieber My World scent, Justin Bieber perfume jewelry
Tags: Justin Bieber perfume, Justin Bieber dog tags, Justin Bieber My World perfume, Justin Bieber My World scent, Justin Bieber perfume jewelry
Justin Bieber is Stressed
The young star of the moment is in full world tour with the aim of promoting his autobiographical film "Never Say Never. " However, due to the heavy schedule to be met, Bieber, 17, is beginning to feel the effects of stress, which is evident both in physique and in his temper.
The photographers captured the look of pain and poor Canadian side of the arrival airport Brisbane (Australia), although he explained that was due to back spasms suffered from a few days ago.
Justin Bieber has revealed in his Twitter account that had a lot of trouble getting to Australia and it seemed that there was no way that his plane took off from Bali, where he was in recent days with Selena Gomez.
Apparently, that moment of rest that was allowed with his beautiful bride was not enough to change the mood of the artist. Despite feeling down, the young artist already thinking about his next album and is writing songs in between concerts.
"I've been writing a lot of songs on the road (...) so thrilled about getting this music to the end of this year and record this summer, "said the young man microblogging network.
The photographers captured the look of pain and poor Canadian side of the arrival airport Brisbane (Australia), although he explained that was due to back spasms suffered from a few days ago.
Justin Bieber has revealed in his Twitter account that had a lot of trouble getting to Australia and it seemed that there was no way that his plane took off from Bali, where he was in recent days with Selena Gomez.
Apparently, that moment of rest that was allowed with his beautiful bride was not enough to change the mood of the artist. Despite feeling down, the young artist already thinking about his next album and is writing songs in between concerts.
"I've been writing a lot of songs on the road (...) so thrilled about getting this music to the end of this year and record this summer, "said the young man microblogging network.
Poster Official de Monte Carlo con Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester y Katie Cassidy
Rabu, 27 April 2011
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in Bali
Justin Bieber arrived Tuesday to Australia for a series of concerts in the country during the course of the week, but the Canadian singer, 17 years old, landed in the city of Brisbane without his beloved Selena Gomez.
Where the artist left his girlfriend?
Well it seems that the couple gave the farewell in Bali where they spent their last day together ... at least until the end of the world tour Bieber ending May 10.
Within minutes of arriving in Australia, Justin Bieber revealed in its official account on Twitter that enjoyed a "day secret " in the beautiful beaches of Bali.
"After 24 hours, and some crazy problems with the plane finally arrived. Thank Indonesia and Bali day our secret, " wrote the singer of 'Baby '.
Very few places in the world compares to the beauty and mystique of Bali, and it seems that the popular island of Indonesia was the final destination of the short holiday of Justin and Selena Gomez.
Within days, the couple rediscover again on American soil.
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