Kamis, 08 September 2011

Driving a Ferrari, Justin bieber accident

After a few days ago to seize the spotlight as a successful award 'Best Female Video' at the MTV Video Music Awards, Justin bieber back into the news. This time but there is no connection with her ​​music career.

Quoted cnn, Bieber who was 17 years old involved in a minor car collision in Los Angeles. The singer of  'Baby' was driving a Ferrari when the accident occurred.

A Honda Civic hit the car suddenly Bieber while passing in the area of ​​Studio City. Fortunately, according to police in Los Angeles, both Justin and the motorist who hit no one was hurt.

Damage to both cars are also very small. "There were no injuries and no significant damage to both vehicles," said a statement from the Los Angeles Police Department.

Collisions are also not considered a criminal act by the police. After the peace, they both leave the scene.

Although the incident took place very rapidly, already meet the paparazzi scene. It is not yet known the identity of the impactor Justin Bieber.

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