Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Selena Gomez “Tap Water” Project with Unicef

The fifth year of a campaign from a water charity with roots in Madison Avenue is taking a turn toward the stars. The charity, called the Tap Project, helps Unicef deliver clean drinking water to children in developing countries. The
charity is online at uniceftapproject.org.
The Tap Project was the brainchild of David Droga, creative chairman of Droga5, a boutique agency in New York. Since its debut during World Water Week in March 2007, the Tap Project has helped raise almost $2.5 million in the United States to provide safe drinking water to children in countries like Belize, Haiti, Iraq, Togo and
The primary fund-raising mechanism, devised by Mr. Droga, is simple: patrons in restaurants are asked to donate a dollar each time they order free tap water.

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