Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

"Justin Bieber’s rude Behavior in a concert"

You've probably heard the news that Justin Bieber showed very rude, arrogant, annoying behavior during a game in the Philippines. Journalists reported that Justin pushed someone so kick someone out of a CD of their hands and refuses to apologize (and its haughty distance from the plane only the material side of the palm), and tell someone "can create a backup bro? Thank you. "and tell others of his way.
The fact that the reason for the star to go from the famous to the infamous rough her loyal fans in the Philippines? Some of them have defended Justin Bieber, saying that he had lung infections and was actually throwing the breaks between concerts during her show Philippines. In fact, Justin Bieber pushes with his show because he does not want to disappoint the fans. And I have no doubt that this act has earned him great respect from the majority of people do not recoil in the series. Justin also twittered that he was "sick as a dog. But the show must go on." But who would have thought that 24 hours later, he received the adoration turned to disgust and anger.
The fan asked for autographs when Justin was on his way to board the plane, and it's hard to tell if the video is a deliberate attempt to be rude. Justin Bieber won hands of a man who held a cd for autographs, and I do not look like he did as Russell Crowe, who has accused a waitress or threw the phone at the hotel staff.
Many people leave comments on the net they sympathize for chest infection, and I admire his perseverance during a concert. But they said that it would indeed be so rude to his fans? CD was someone beats out of control really necessary? People think they know that if they were sick, they would have been in a bitter mood, but not so much that they will be arrogant and frankly rude to people who are responsible for my success among adolescents.

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