Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Justin Bieber Manager Scooter Braun Says News Album Likely To Release In Summer

Justin Bieber is working on a studio album called 'Believe' and it will be out sometime in the summer, or earlier, or later, of 2012. Fans can't wait.
The latest news on Justin Bieber's follow-up album to 2010's 'My World' has come from Bieber's manager and was given out in an interview with 'The Hollywood Reporter' on Oct. 23, 2011. The scoop is this: Bieber is working on the album, it's tentatively titled 'Believe' and it is likely to be out in the summer of 2012.
Or possibly later. Or earlier.
"He's pretty adamant about writing a lot of (songs for 'Believe')," Braun said. "And he played me some stuff that he's been doing on his own. He wrote this amazing song that sounds like a Jodeci record. I'm really excited for him. This kid can sing his ass off. He's coming into his own."

Bieber himself had commented on his next record recently (not to be confused with his Christmas album, 'Under the Mistletoe', due out November 1) while talking with MTV during the just-completed South American leg of his 'My World' tour. He spoke of getting to work on 'Believe'.
"What's happening is: get off this tour, and then my (Christmas) album is out, so I have to go back out and promote that album," MTV reporter James Montgomery quoted Bieber as saying. "And then after that it's almost time for my next album, so then everything starts over again.
"We're going to be going in every day and working with new people and trying to find the best sound," he said of the new record, which, like 'Under the Mistletoe', will feature other artists as guests. "I'm going to be recording different styles, different things until I find a solid 15 songs that I love. I'm going to be recording as many songs as I possibly can."

For the record, Jedeci, the band Braun talked about when he mentioned one of Bieber's new songs, is an American R&B, soul band comprised of 2 sets of 2 brothers that gained big-time record sales in the 90's. Their stuff got a lot of air play and after going in different directions for a decade or so, they got back together two year ago and released a tune called Knockin' Your Heels.
Naturally, the point isn't that a tune sounds like Jodeci so much as it is that Bieber is writing songs on his own. While he received a writing credit on each of the 10 songs on 'My World' - which was released only two weeks after he turned 16 - he did not write any of those songs on his own.
He's clearly growing as an artist and when 'Believe' gets here, fans will be able to hear just how much he's grown. Ultimately, while he has influences, his sound is all his own.

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