Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Justin Bieber 2011 : Helped The Charity

Justin Bieber along with many other celebrities joined hands to help raise funds and goods for all those in danger of starvation in famine-stricken East Africa and Somalia.

Justin Bieber has been assosiated with various charity organisations like Pencils for Promise and  Make A Wish Foundation.

Other celebrities who helped the charity include Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Beyonce, and others. According to a report, the Save the Children fund is getting help from over 150 stars.

Speaking of Justin Bieber, the young pop star hit the studio with from the Black Eyed Peas yesterday. Justin Bieber write on his twitter: “in the studio being creative with my brother @iAmJulkeyz and @iamwill.”

Justin Bieber 2011

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