Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga were victims of a hacker on YouTube

Lady Gaga | Justin Bieber
The pop idol Justin Bieber and extravagant diva Lady Gaga became the latest victims of a hacker who, through a false account, tried to harm the copyright policy on YouTube.

The network operates video's strict policy that if a material is accused of breaching copyright, the site will remove the content immediately until the dispute is resolved.

A mysterious YouTube account under the name of iLCreation claimed ownership of the video material of Justin Bieber. As a result, YouTube removed the video complete collection until the problem was resolved.

A representative of VEVO said to 'TMZ': 'Someone is making false claims against Justin Bieber channels and Lady Gaga. YouTube has blocked access to the videos. We are
working to resolve it. "

To the delight of the 'Beliebers' the problem was solved quickly and soon videos of Justin Bieber - like those of Lady Gaga - were restored.

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