Senin, 19 September 2011

Evan Rachel Wood Obsessed with Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber charm was able to pick up all the circles. Not only ordinary people, actress Evan Rachel Wood was obsessed with the singer of 'Baby'.

Female 24 years old who are bound engagement with rocker Marilyn Manson was deeply loved Bieber. It just felt after watching the documentary movie 'Never Say Never'.

"I watched 'Never Say Never' three times. I'm not kidding, I'm obsessed with the boy," she said as quoted by the magazine Marie Claire, Sunday (09/18/2011).
Evan also cannot imagine any future meeting with Bieber. According to her, Selena Gomez's boyfriend always makes her happy.

"It would be weird if I met him. He brings so much joy to my life," she said.

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