Kamis, 15 September 2011

Selena gomez showing off "tattoo" Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez showing off "tattoo" Justin Bieber on a show in Las Vegas last night.

The word "Justin" with a heart on his wrist that looks drawn with markers. "Tattoos" was seen when he appeared at the Mandalay Bay, Sin City.

"Tattoos" that indicates how serious the relationship between the two. It would also disappoint fans of  Selena.

Justin bieber recently revealed that she wants to have children while in his mid-twenties. "I want to be a young father. At the age of 25 or 26 I wanted to see me get married or start a family."

While his statement might cause Beliebers (loyal fans) excited. happy people who certainly is Selena, 19, who called Bieber "extraordinary" in an interview.

Fans seem to be able to relax because he hastens to declare they are not getting married any time soon. "One thing, I do not want to get married now," he said.

But it could be just for publicity, given the couple seems to share the puppy love seriously.
Their relationship also continues to be tested because they spend so much time apart related to their careers.

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