Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Justin Bieber has a basketball court in the hotel room

Justin Bieber | Hotel Room
Justin Bieber, who just started his South American tour, is really shocked about his ultra-cool hotel room. After arriving in Mexico City (yes it is true, that Mexico City is in North America) Justin Bieber was quick to show off his new, albeit temporary new crib.
Justin Bieber jumped on Twitter to express his excitement over the room and the beginning of his tour:

day 1 of south america tour...crazy!! now we are in Mexico City and I got a bball court in my room! #swag

Aside from the Mexico in North America thing...and the fact that the room didn't come equipped with his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, it is clear that Justin Bieber's mind was really on one thing. That one thing...the basketball goal.
Bieber followed up with this gem of a tweet:

 My hotel room is sick.. Soo blessed. basketball court in my room. about to watch rocky with my bro @alfredoflores

This tweet was accompanied by a photo of the basketball goal and an array of soft drinks. Looks like there will be a party in Justin's room! Too bad that Selena Gomez isn't there to enjoy shooting a little hoops with Justin.

One thing to note in the tweet, bragging about the in-hotel hoops court, is that he says that he is "blessed." Yep, Justin Bieber did remember his fans, even in getting some cool swag. He continues to thank those that got him to this place...Mexico City, in a hotel room full of "swag."


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