Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Justin and Selena are having too much Fun

Justin Bieber posted a candid photo of himself with Selena Gomez caught in a hilarious moment on his Instagram. “2 much fun,” read the caption, an apt description for the pair’s laughter.
There’s no further explanation from Bieber about the pic, which looks as though it was taken by a third party and was edited with the X-Pro II filter. It was posted on Monday at 8:44 pm.
“2 much fun” seems to be the best way to describe the couple’s relationship right now. Although those baby rumors are still out there, we haven’t heard much lately about the state of Justin and Selena’s partnership. When the tabloids aren’t even trying to create any drama about your relationship, things must be going well.
Bieber’s instagram features 241 pics, but glimpses of Gomez on his feed are rare. He seems to prefer posting fun photos with glimpses from his everyday life, like spelling “no fear” out of pretzels or pretending to drive a forklift backstage.
Check Out Here Justin Bieber Instagram:

JB Instagram

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