Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Justin Bieber Forgets 'Jesus'

Justin Bieber was so busy and focused working on his album, "Believe," he forgot "Jesus." Before everyone faints, JB has not abandoned his religion. He just forgot his gold "Jesus" necklace and chain. He left it in the studio where it was fortunately found by Kiki Palmer and returned.

Justin Bieber has often said that his music means more to him than almost anything else in the world—with the exception of his family and presumably Selena Gomez. (Relax, beliebers, he calls you guys part of his family.) And yesterday he proved it by getting so into his music that he walked out of the studio minus one of his most cherished possessions—his Jesus necklace. As you can see in the photo here, JB seemed lost in a creative reverie jamming on the drums while working on the eagerly awaited album, "Believe." Along with the photo, Justin Tweeted:
"in the studio working on #BELIEVE."
Interestingly, he is not wearing the necklace. Why did he remove it? Was it interfering with his movements while drumming? Or did he hang it somewhere in view for inspiration? Only Justin knows for sure. He's just lucky that his friend Kiki Palmer found the necklace and returned it to him.
she tweeted:
@justinbieber you left your chain i the booth! Haha, :-p " 
Oddly, beliebers who saw the tweet and photo seemed less concerned about their idol's almost-lost Jesus necklace than about Kiki Palmer's nails. They were, for some inexplicable reason, grossed out by them. In fact, the consensus was "Eeewww." Go figure.
So all's well that ends well. It would have been sad indeed if Justin Bieber had lost his necklace. However, it wouldn't have been the end of the world. JB always carries his personal relationship with Jesus in his heart. Not to mention in the tattoos on his side and his leg.

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