Rabu, 30 November 2011

Selena Gomez habla sobre sus logros del 2011

Selena Gomez habló con MTV sobre los éxitos y logros realizados en este año que está por terminar.

Había un montón de cosas que Selena disfrutó de este año, comenzando un nuevo capítulo de su vida en la filmación de “Wizards of Waverly Place” ya finalizado, y su carrera musical haciéndolo muy bien, sólo por nombrar un par de cosas.

Esto es lo que Selena reveló acerca de lo que ella más recuerda cuando ella mira hacia atrás en este 2011:

Para ser honesta, probablemente sería cuando mi serie terminó, de una manera feliz, pero era un poco como si fuera un nuevo capítulo en mi vida. Creo que fue un momento muy interesante para mí y que ese fue mi favorito de este año. Mi música, sin duda, que me sorprendió, como la gira. Definitivamente estaba emocionada de estar en marcha y poder hacer mi primer gira. Yo estaba emocionada de ir a todas partes y conocer a mis fans y conocer lugares diferentes. Para ser honesta, no esperaba hacerlo tan bien como lo hice, y nos fuimos a Canadá y Canadá fue increíble y me siento muy honrada. Quiero ya entrar en la recta final del 2011 y comenzar con la planeación del año que sigue con mucha emoción.

Selena Gomez está orgullosa del desarrollo de su 'bebé'

La cantante Selena Gomez está emocionada con el rápido desarrollo de su bebé. Baylor se ha convertido en el fiel compañero de la cantante, desde el mes pasado.

‘Miren lo grande en que mi bebé se ha convertido’, dijo Selena Gomez a través de Twitter. La cantante deseaba una mascota y adoptó al perro en un albergue de Canadá.

Selena Gomez tiene mucho cariño por Baylor; sin embargo, Justin Bieber no es muy cariñoso con el animalito, ya que cada vez que lo ve gruñe.

Selena Gomez, Robert Pattinson y Miley Cyrus considerados los famosos con mascotas más lindas

People.com ha anunciado algunos de sus mejores listas del 2011 y una de ellas, es la categoría Nueva Mascota Estrella de 2011. En esta lista se encuentran los animales de algunas conocidas estrellas adolescentes.

La lista se inicia con Selena Gomez y su perrito Baylor, el cual fue adoptado en Canadá. El siguiente en la lista es Robert Pattinson y Kristen Stewart con bear.

Miley Cyrus continúa en la lista con el hermoso de ojos azules, Floyd. La lista sigue con otros perros ¿Cuál te parece la mascota más bonita?

All I Want For Christmas Is You (SuperFestive!) Ft. Mariah Carey

Justin Bieber Duet with Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You (SuperFestive!) (Shazam Version) © 2011 The Island Def Jam Music Group

Here's The Video:
Justin Tweeted: 

HERE IT IS...the NEW VIDEO for "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU" with the great @MariahCarey from my New Album! -

Justin Bieber And Jaden Smith Ice-Skating

Justin Tweeted:

best skaters of all time. #real . they asked if we could be in the olympics but were busy.

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and Jaden Smith ice skating

Here Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and they friend
Jaden Smith ice skating at park City Mountain

They are doing skating in Park City.
Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith also performed a dance on ice in real.  But Selena did not perform dance on ice. She done only skating.

But Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith perform a 
beautiful dance at park city,
Jaden Smith is some afraid during the dance, but 
Justin Bieber did not afraid, and he performed a
good dance,  Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith also
 done funny deeds during the dance.
They are looking very cute during skating.

Here we are uploading dance video,
You can also see dance video here.

What do you say about this video after watching this.
You can writes your comments here.

Justin Bieber shoes collection

Here we upload some photos of JustiN Bieber
shoes, which have watched in different places.
Justin Bieber is very saucy about his shoes,
and he want to wearing any type of shoes.

Justin Bieber is very like supra shoes,
that's why he wearing supra shoes, and
then he go to out side, like concert, interview,
any shows and any where.

Justin has wear any supra shoes, and he
did not left supra shoes, which he did not wear.
Justin Bieber like it so much.

We are also upload Justin Bieber's photos print
on shoes. Justin's fans very likes this shoes,
and also upload Justin's autograph on shoes,
which have his fans.
These are Justin's shoes photos here.
Hope U like all these photos.

These all Justin bieber shoes collection.

These all Justin Bieber favorite shoes.

These another Justin Bieber favorite shoes collection.

Justin Bieber has wear same shoes in different places.

Here another photo there Justin bieber wearing a supra shoes.

Justin bieber's lucky fans shoe his autograph on shoe.

Another photo were Justin lucky fans show his autograph on shoe.

 In this photo Justin BIeber print on shoes.

 Here Justin Bieber and his song print on shoes

In this photo justin and my world print. 

 Another My World album print shoes.

Justin Bieber print on pair shoes.

Now what do you think about these photos of Justin Bieber shoes.
Now What do you say about Justin Bieber supra shoes,
You can also submit your comments here.

Selena Gomez asegura que su próximo papel en Spring Breakers será más osado

Después de meses de estar completamente enfocada en la música, Selena Gomez regresará a la pantalla grande con el nuevo filme 'Spring Breakers' junto a Vanessa Hudgens, Emma Roberts y James Franco.

La actriz de filmes como 'Ramona y Beezus' y 'Monte Carlo' aseguró en declaraciones a 'MTV News' que este nuevo papel ofrecerá una faceta completamente distinta.

'Estoy realmente emocionada', manifestó Selena Gomez, 'Es un personaje diferente de lo que haya hecho antes. Es una vibra distinta de la que creo que la gente ha visto en mí'.

Selena Gomez agregó: 'Lo que voy a hacer es mucho más arriesgado, creo yo. Será muy osado y más acerca de la actuación'.

Spring Breakers cuenta la historia de cuatro amigas universitarias quienes roban un restaurante para costearse un viaje a la playa. Ellas se cruzarán con un traficante de drogas quien las persuadirá para que lo ayuden a matar a su archi-rival.

Justin Bieber Touches 15 Million Followers On Twitter

Justin Bieber is touching new heights everyday. Really beliebers go hard.......
Early today justin bieber touches 15 million followers on twitter

Revently Just Lady Gaga Is ahead him 
Lady Gaga- 16,488,423 
Justin Bieber- 15,002,559
At 7:45 PM (IST)

Justin Bieber Is Considering A DNA Test - But What About This "Stache?

Justin Bieber worked until his Thanksgiving appetite to do more rounds in New York, and "The View" and the David Letterman show, among others and answer some questions about what DNA; it took a week ago in New Jersey.

And,Yes, that down to his upper lip moustache, specifically.

The parent statement "should not even be discussed," he said Wednesday on the "view", explaining that he took the test in New Jersey, not because he was supposed to, but because he wanted to. Even if you do not send your Mariah Yeater child son Tristyn DNA testing, he said, he wants everything to be there in the open. "
(Yeater lawyer told TMZ on Wednesday that, Yes, the child will be checked and no, they were not pleased that the singer had its own test unattended command Yeater.)

Whoopi Goldberg remarked Bieber weak moustache, but the whole gang did not give him the opportunity to explain it: it's Movember, growing up--' Sayonara in the November campaign every year to raise money and awareness about male health issues, including prostate cancer.
Oh, well, ladies, he soon: "the end of November, I am going to shave it," he said, "view" cohosts. "... and then it will take another year and a half ago to grow.”

Wednesday night on "late night with David Letterman," Bieber went into a little more detail about DNA, which was done in the laboratory in New Jersey with his reps said was a clear chain of custody.

Letterman, asked during the test, he was unconscious, and any disrobing is involved? Bieber was wanted to know what disrobing actually had--but, Hey, cut him some slack, only 17 — and because, as he explained, the test includes only the swab inside the mouth, Dave was looking a bit like a crazy old guy.

Justin Thanksgiving message when he finally took a break from moving "under the Mistletoe?”Thankful for my friends and family, fans," he wrote on Twitter. "Thankful for each day.Thanks U”

Justin Bieber Top Of Kim Kardashian As The Most Searched Person In 2011

Justin Bieber enveloped Kim Kardashian as most people in 2011, according to the search engine Bing.

Looks like Kim just can't get a break.

Search Queen Kardashian in the past year, but the combination of Bieber's My World 2.0 Tour, hit concert film "Justin Bieber: never say never," "Saturday Night Live" hosting work, Christmas album, a love affair with Selena Gomez and the little issue now pulled out paternity over Mariah Yeater child enough to push him in the first place. 
In the meantime, Kardashian launch of a new reality show "Kourtney and Kim to take New York," married and got divorced. It was quite a lot, but not enough to stop the Bieber fever.

A few notable names dropped from the top 10 this year, including Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. But President Obama may have fallen away. In 2010, was a man, search for the No. 5. In 2011, he was no. 49.

Gomez, who went from # 50, no. 11 (thanks, no doubt for all Bieber smooching) and Jennifer Lopez, which was not in the top 50 last year and is currently the fifth two people who got a huge increases in the year 2011.

Although the death of Amy Winehouse fifth most searched for news for the whole year, Winehouse not makes Top 10 most searched for people.

Women have done very well in the year 2011, however. While Bieber # 1 man and musician, the rest of the top 10 in both categories were women.Chelsea handler also beat out Conan, Dave and Jay most searched for late-night talk show host. And all top 10 reality stars were women.

Strangely, the film most searched for without the final "Harry Potter" or "the twilight saga: breaking Dawn-part 1", as well as Tom Cruise "mission impossible: the Phantom Protocol." preponderance of the fourth film in the "mission: impossible" franchise makes one wonder if Bing is the preferred search engine of the Church of Scientology, or animation fans (he sent, animator Brad Bird).

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Selena Gomez vuelve a unir a Demi Lovato y Joe Jonas

Se desconoce el lugar pero Selena Gomez invitó a cenar a su amiga Demi Lovato y a su ex Joe Jonas.

Supuestamente la razón por la que Selena llevó a sus amigos a comer fue con la intención de hablar con ellos y comentar sobre su relación con su novio Justin Bieber la cual todos sabemos que pasa por su mejor momento, hasta con vacaciones planificadas y todo.

Como todos recordamos a su salida de Disney Channel Demi Lovato y Joe Jonas protagonizaron uno del los romances más sonados entre artistas de este canal, claro luego del más mencionado de estos tiempos, el de Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber.

Es muy saludable que estos chicos se unan sea para hablar de lo que sea, realmente nadie debe saber lo que están hablando, solo se especula sobre el asunto, siempre es bueno sacar un rato del tiempo tan ocupado para pasarla bien entre amigos como siempre lo han sido Selena y Demi Lovato y ahora Joe Jonas que se une al clan de las chicas. ¿Las verdaderas intenciones de esta reunión? solo ellos la saben, pero quizás es solo una común salida entre amigos. ¡Qué la pasen de maravilla!

Justin Bieber y Selena Gómez planean escaparse juntos‎

La relación entre Justin Bieber y Selena Gómez va viento en popa. Contra todo pronóstico, los dos cantantes están viviendo una preciosa historia de amor que está aguantando críticas, escándalos e incluso presuntos hijos secretos. Estos jóvenes se quieren y de hecho, a pesar de su corta edad no dudan en cuadrar agendas para hacer alguna que otra escapadita, y la siguiente podría ser muy pronto.

Selena Gómez impaciente porque nazca su hermanito

Es un momento muy feliz para la familia de Selena Gómez, ya que su madre y su padrastro están esperando su primer hijo juntos.

La belleza de "Who Says?" tomó su página de Twitter para anunciar la buena noticia, teniendo en cuenta que ellos lo sabían desde hace algún tiempo, pero quería esperar hasta después de Acción de Gracias para dar la buena nueva.

Hablando con Ryan Seacrest sobre el tema, Miss Gómez dijo que está en el "éxtasis total al saber que un hermanito o hermanita está en camino", aunque tuvo un altercado en Twitter con deejay Kidd Kraddick cuando hizo comentarios negativos acerca del bonito momento que pasa Sely.

Sin embargo, Kraddick y sus compañeros de radio han pedido disculpas e insistieron en que la discusión en el aire era cualquier cosa menos mezquina ni en tono de burla.

Por fin Selena Gómez sabrá lo lindo que se siente tener un hermanito.

Justin Bieber Previews 'All I Want for Christmas Is You' Music Video

Justin Bieber Previews 'All I Want for Christmas Is You' Music Video

One day before the premiere of Justin Bieber's "All I Want for Christmas Is You" music video, a short snippet comes out to give a clue on what to expect from the soon-to-be-released clip. Wearing a festive-themed jacket, the popstar is seen shopping for Christmas gifts with a few friends in a colorfully-decorated mall.

The full music video is set to be unleashed on Wednesday, November 30 during the airing of the annual Rockefeller Tree Lighting on NBC.Mariah Carey, the original singer of the single who also lends her vocals to Bieber's version, will make a cameo. She'll be seen lounging in a Santa Claus sleigh with her dog Jill E. Beans. 

The other special guests in the upcoming video include Alfredo Flores and Adam. The former once worked with Bieber to direct his "U Smile" music video, while the latter is the brother of his manager Scooter Braun. Adam additionally is the founder and executive director of Pencils of Promise, the non-profit organization Bieber has worked with since his rise to fame. 

"All I Want for Christmas Is You" Video Snippet: 

Justin Bieber to perform on this weekend's X Factor UK

Justin Bieber to perform on this weekend's X Factor UK

Justin Bieber has revealed on Twitter that he will be performing on this weekend's X Factor.
The teen idol, who is promoting his Christmas album “Under the Mistletoe”, announced the news to his Twitter fans by writing: 

“UK!!! X Factor this week. #Mistletoe”

Bieber performed on German X Factor on November 15 and is rumoured to also be lined up to sing on the season finale of the US X Factor on December 22.

He recently recorded an ITV special in London called “This Is Justin Bieber,” which is set to be shown next month.
During the show he dueted on a new and revamped version of “Drummer Boy” with Tinie Tempah.
Earlier this month, Mariah Yeater, 20, claimed that Justin was the father of her four month old son.
She said that Justin, 17, plucked her from the crowd at his concert in LA back in October 2010 and slept with her backstage.
Last week the singer described how he took a paternity test to prove that he is not the father.
Talking to David Letterman Justin calls Mariah a “weasel”.
He says: “I think I could smell a weasel a little bit.
“It’s pretty crazy how people make up false accusations. But I’m 17 – it’s gonna happen, being in the spotlight.”
Justin shrugged off the baby claims, saying: “People can say whatever.”
When asked if he had gone ahead and taken the paternity test, Justin said casually: “Yeah, I took it.”
And after being probed about whether he had to get naked, Justin said: “No! They just swab your mouth.”

Justin Bieber to guest star on Disney Channal SO RANDOM

Justin Bieber on SO RANDOM December 4, 2011.
Justin to guest star on this holiday show.
In this show are coming many guest stars.
Justin is also coming in this show to guest star.
This show will have come on disney channal.

In this show Justin live sing his hit song "Mistletoe" from his new album "Under the Mistletoe".
This is christmas gift for his fans by Justin Bieber.
Justin will give performance sitting on chair,

Justin Bieber will also present or give his rap about christmas and christmas songs.
and give advises to his fans.
Every fans wait for this holiday show,
and they are very excited for this holiday show.
Justin attempt many shows, but for this show
justin is very excited.
He is preparing for sing his songs.
and select songs list for his performance.

And in another photo you can see Justin bieber
and another guest stars.
Hope this show will complete its success.

The SO RANDOM holiday show sunday,
December 4, 2011, at 7:30 PM
live on Disney channel.

Is This The Son Of Justin Bieber? Mariah Yeater Says Yes

Earlier this month, Mariah Yeater showed off her 4-month-old boy Tristyn for our cameras.

20-year-old Yeater argues that the 17-year-old Justin Bieber Tristyn is the father of the child and that she conceived with pop star after meeting in the backroom bathroom after one of the concerts Bieber. Camp Bieber, however, claims that Justin even never met Mariah.

Just last week, Yeater announced that it has evidence that Justin is the father. Since then, Biber agreed to take paternity DNA test to prove his case and that he plans to take Yeater in court. Yeater and Prosecutor stated that they had hoped to settle out of court. We put what they have done.

Time (and testing!) will tell!! Until you look at these photos (and exclusive video!) to see if you think a child is a little Bieber Tristyn.