Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Justin Bieber, Mariah Yeater Baby DNA Games Home

Justin Bieber and his alleged child mother Mariah Yeater started playing games with the paternity test that can complicate attempts to determine whether Yeater son was fathered by teen pop sensations.

Bieber scored a public relations coup earlier this week when his camp announced that he accepted the voluntary test fatherhood put this matter behind him once and for all.

But Jeffery Leving, noted Chicago paternity lawyer who represents the women of San Diego, expressed concern about testing today (November 23).

DNA test, Justin has not been done in the presence of representatives of the Member of the group in, he said Yeater.

As a result, they have no idea whether the test is carried out using appropriate control or DNA is even Bieber altogether.

Leving added that he has a big problem, and rightly so.

TheImproper 10 November reported that DNA may lead to legal showdown, even if dropped his paternity Yeater.

One of the biggest problems is the precision of sampling, and camp Bieber already seem to play games.

It would be extremely important for both parties to have confidence in the test.

If the test has been ordered to court, mutually acceptable procedures will be established, and both parties will be present for the test.

Then, in an independent laboratory,acceptable to both will conduct test.

Tabloid Web sites like TMZ suggested that Yeater tries to avoid the DNA of the child, now, Bieber its cards on the table.

But Leving Web site, it could not wait to compare the baby Tristyn DNA with Justin.

Bieber reportedly took a DNA test on Friday in very controlled circumstances ", but without the other side of this, the test is unreliable.

To get the side take the sample Yeater or convince the Court that the sample is valid, it should come to the trick.

Bieber lawyers could also adopt a take it or leave it stand and refuse to allow their client to submit to another test with both sides currently under agreed conditions.

Bieber, who appeared on Letterman last night, described the process and again asserted his innocence.

"I mean I could smell a little weasel. People make false accusations, "he told host.

"I am 17, but it will happen … Being in focus. I took it. He said that they simply swab the mouth ".

Bieber is not out of focus from the beginning of the controversy.

He very publicly gone about his business and was spotted with girlfriend Selena Gomez for breakfast at IHOP Los Angeles yesterday.

Yeater has been kept under wraps his lawyer since it was found that she tried to hide evidence that she blamed another boy paternity.

Of course, this is a legitimate questions regarding DNA. But whether that happens remains problematic.

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