Selasa, 29 November 2011

Is This The Son Of Justin Bieber? Mariah Yeater Says Yes

Earlier this month, Mariah Yeater showed off her 4-month-old boy Tristyn for our cameras.

20-year-old Yeater argues that the 17-year-old Justin Bieber Tristyn is the father of the child and that she conceived with pop star after meeting in the backroom bathroom after one of the concerts Bieber. Camp Bieber, however, claims that Justin even never met Mariah.

Just last week, Yeater announced that it has evidence that Justin is the father. Since then, Biber agreed to take paternity DNA test to prove his case and that he plans to take Yeater in court. Yeater and Prosecutor stated that they had hoped to settle out of court. We put what they have done.

Time (and testing!) will tell!! Until you look at these photos (and exclusive video!) to see if you think a child is a little Bieber Tristyn.

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