Minggu, 27 November 2011

New interview by Justin Bieber with David Letterman November 23,

Justin Bieber with David Letternan show new video
in 23 November 2011.
This is new interview by Justin Bieber.

In this show David show Justin Bieber new album
Under the Mistletoe. and its admire.

Justin Bieber is doing funny deeds in this show.
And discuss our family and brothers, and his father
and mom.

David say the wuestion of Justin how many countries
you have been???
Justin Bieber say I have been many countries like
 Asia, North America, South America, Africa,
Intorica, Australia, Canada, France that's countries
name discuss Justin in show.Justin also discuss sports.

All of you check this interview justin look very
handsome, and they discuss more activities.

Here we upload this new interview video by
Justin Bieber......
Now watch this new video and say your
Comments here.

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