Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Justin Bieber Baby Accuser Submit To DNA Testing

Justin Bieber has fulfilled his end of the contract between his lawyers and a lawyer representing Mariah Yeater.Now her turn. In the last update of this ongoing small pop soap opera, it seems that the baby will be tested.

A source said that Mariah Yeater agreed to provide her infant son in for DNA testing to see if his DNA matches with Justin Bieber. Bieber was convicted of the child's father Yeater after she claims; the two had sex behind the scenes at one of their concerts.

This is a little warm after news Yeater refused to give her boy for controlled DNA analysis after Biebs took his test. She wanted him to retest somewhere else it is present. So, of course, it just seemed more like psychotic fan wanting to get a chance to meet her teenage dream.

If this child Bieber and Justin eventually exchange of DNA, Mariah Yeater not necessarily going to be rolling in dough or she will live a pampered life as a shotgun bride Bieber - as it is obvious that in a fantasy world, she is currently living. In fact, Justin funds and the stability necessary to sue for custody of a child - full custody.In the past, a woman and her latest exploits of smoking marijuana in front of potential to be "his" son, no judge would not let her keep guard against celebrities like him.

In addition, it can even get in trouble with rape. He was only 16 at the time, and it was a legal adult. It is certainly not a genius.

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