Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Justin Bieber’s Bizarre Beach Disguise

Justin Bieber went to Venice Beach, Calif. with his dad and BFF wearing a weird gold face mask. If it weren’t for his Jesus tattoo, we might not have recognized him!

All the tourists and surfers hanging out on Venice Beach in Calif. last Friday, Jan. 6 probably didn’t think anything of the random teenager walking around with a gold mask, especially because street performers are a dime a dozen there. However, the stranger in the mask was actually the one and onlyJustin Bieber!
Before heading down to Cabo with his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, the 17-year-old pop star spent time on the beach with his best friend, Ryan Butler, and his dad, Jeremy. Apparently he wanted to go unnoticed, so he threw on a creepy Cirque de Soleil-style mask and no one bugged him! Genius!
It seems as though Justin took a cue from his idol, Michael Jackson, who used to make his kids wear masks in public. Good thinking, Justin.
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