Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Video: Justin Bieber Shows MRobo At CES 2012

The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas got another dose of star power on Wednesday, when Justin Bieber appeared to promote the line robotov.Mezhdu heartthrob presented mRobo, portable speaker and dancing robot, during a press conference.

Bieber was on hand to demo the robot, holding her hands like a puppet for a quick song and dance in front of a crowd of reporters. Bieber is one of several entertainment and sports celebrities who attended CES this year to help hawk their brands of gadgets and technology services.

MySpace co-owner Justin Timberlake dropped at CES on Monday to build buzz for social network and Will Smith took part to help promote the Sony 3D-movies. Singer Kelly Clarkson and UFC fighter Alistair Overreem also took part in the activities of CES.

TOSY Robotics JSC, the company behind mRobo, was delighted to Bieber to your event. "We are very pleased to be able to reveal mRobo Ultra Bass here at CES 2012 with the help of one of the world's most famous stars, Justin Bieber," said Ho Vinh Hoang, founder TOSY and chief executive officer.

"MRobo is one of the most innovative and interactive entertainment devices ever introduced," said Hoang Vinh. "It gives the music and dance lovers to enjoy their passion in a whole new way. Not only do they have a great new way to listen to their favorite songs, but they also have a new partner to dance to their favorite music."

Click here for video of the appearance of Bieber.

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